Food or... Food! Chp.18

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Billie's P.O.V

The spaghetti was done and I served myself some. I ate it and it reminded me of me and Amy's date.


"Sooooooo how about we go on a date?" I asked hugging her. "Hmmm Okay but where?" "Here." "Here? at home?" "Yes where else?" "Well I thought like at a resturaunt." "No if you want we can go anything for you my love." "Awww. Billie all I care is about you and food not where we are at as long I'm with you and food." "So I'm being compared to food." "No don't get me wrong I love food but I love you more." "I love you too." I kissed her. It was her 1st month of pregnancy and still looking beautiful.

Once the spaghetti was done I ate some like crazy and Amy stared at me like if I'm okay. "Billie are you fine?" "Yea its just that this shit is good!" "Oh it is." She smiled. I continued eating and then she started doing it too just to copy me. "Stop copying me!" "No. what are you g-" I threw a piece at her. She got the whole plate and threw it to me. I would say it was the most funnest date ever.

End of Flashback***

Memories good old memories. I was done eating and I went to take a shower. Today was an alright day for me.

Taryn's P.O.V

CANDY! CANDY! I need it or I'm gonna die! Food at least food something good not dicusting. Like the moldy apple. ewwww! Well kids have been leaving and they never come back. Which is weird I wonder if they ate them.... ewww. Grrr I want candy but they won't let me have candy only when I get money which is like this green paper that I colored on its pretty cool.

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