Can You Stay Here Alone? Chp.4

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We made it to our hotel room and I rested for a while since show starts later on in the night. I strummed some notes while Taryn is taking a bath. I heard Taryn yell I ran and she was pointing to the shampoo,she couldn't reach. I gave it to her and she rinsed herself and I wrapped the towel around her. "Hey Taryn we are gonna leave in a bit are you able to stay alone?" I asked. "Yes I love it here." she smiled. "Alright buddy." I smiled. I helped her put her pajamas and made her cereal. "Be sade kiddo." I smiled. "Ok Bye daddy." She kissed my cheek. "Bye." She said I locked the hotel door and waited for tthe guys.

3 hours later***

That was an awesome night I kinda found my ex there and I talked to her. I went inside the hotel room and Taryn was inside with a big menu and a lady. "Taryn what are you doing?" I asked. "Eating." she smiled. I saw crap loads of dishes and I saw another lady come in with cake. "How much is this?" "205.89" She said firmly. Shit I needed to keep the money think fast. "Is there another way?" "If you sleep with me." The lady smiled. Fucken shit I stared at Victoria my ex and she shrugged. "Take Taryn I have to this." I whispered to her. She grabbed Taryn and took her for a walk but I knew Victoria wouldn't do nothing she is nice and caring espically kids but anyways I have to deal with this chick. "Umm how old are you?" I asked. "32." she smiled. "A couple if years older than me but I guess thats fine." I said.

(You know what they did.)

Finally she left and I stayed in bed thinking of never leaving Taryn alone. I smoked a cigarette and moments later Victoria and Taryn came back. I carried Taryn and I told her firmly, "Never do that again Never." I said. "Sowwy." she frowned. I talked with Victoria and finally she left. I fell asleep with Taryn in my arms. I was kinda pissed about the room service thing.

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