Thinking About You Chp.13

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This is the last Flash Back or unless you want more ;)

Flash Back****

Tre's P.O.V

Well we all knew Amy was hot but she was taken by a guy not Billie Joe but that won't stop me. "Hey you wanna get coffee." I asked Amy. "Ha! Sure its like you read my mimd!" She smiled. "Well I do read minds." I smiled. "Ha! Sure you do" She said. We got to Starbucks and I was drinking my orange mocha frappucino that shit was like a crazy addictive drug. Amy bought her self a latte and we talked. "So do you like Billie?" I asked. "Of Course! We are together! " She smiled. "Billie is your boyfriend? Why hasn't that fucker told me!" I smiled. "I dont know?" She shrugged. "Well you wanna go or you wanna get more?" "Hmm....I'll probably get an orange mocha frappucino for me and Billie and iced coffee." She said. "I'll pay!" I smiled. "Well......Fine you pay it." She said. Once she got the cups we walked back to Billie's and there was an awaken Billie by the door. "Hi We both you coffee!" She smiled. "What Kind of coffee?" "Iced Coffee!" She smiled. "Are you my twin or something yoy read my mind!" He got the coffee.

Billie's P.O.V

I got the coffee and kissed her. I greeted Tre and then he left. I drank coffee with Amy. "Babe this shit is amazing!" She smiled. "What is it?" I asked. She gave me a sip, "Oh Orange Mocha Frappucino that shit is good." I smiled.

Present Day*****

Right Now I'm walking in the Starbucks where Amy got me and Iced Coffee. I went back on the bus walking and thought to myself. I wonder where Taryn is and I hope she is okay. I loved her! When the love of my life was dead the light of my life was here. I never wanted to leave her. I wanted them both here I missed those stupid days living with Amy, Mike and Tre fighting or yelling now its just quiet since Taryn isn't here.

Adrienne's P.O.V

I had to go back home since Billie was coming tomorrow. My friend Stephanie came to get Taryn she was with me in this plan. "Here take her as far as you can don't make her come back to California."I said. "Right." She said. I gave her money for gas or something so she drove off. I got in the car and drove home. The kids were asleep still. I went to bed and watched Tv. I wonder when Billie is coming back

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