Good Day Chp.22

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Taryn's P.O.V

I was coloring which was the coolest thing ever! I colored and kids will be around me watching me color and draw. I stink at it but they like it. I colored and I took it to my bunk and put it in my drawer.

Billie's P.O.V

I came out of Taryn's room and snuck into the living room without Adrienne knowing. The plan was successful. I sat down and noticed Joey passed out on the couch I carried him and took him upstairs and tucked him into his bed. I go to my room and Adrienne was done cleaning. "Hey Billie I found this phone." Adrienne said. I looked and snatched it from her "Oh its my old phone." I lied. It was Amy's phone I thought I would never find it. I put it under my pillow and waited for Adrienne to go to sleep. I turned it on and it had so much calls and texts. She had photos and music of my band and notes. I turned off her phone and put it in the box where it will stay there until who knows how long. I look down the other hall and there where the things Adrienne took out. I looked at it and it was memories Taryn's ultrasounds and more stuff I kept them in the box. I went back to bex and dreamed about my two lovelies.

Next Morning***

I woke up did my morning routines and went to get my car keys. I decided to go to a salon and do my hair blonde since I wanted to.

I come out looking good and go back home where Adrienne was making breakfast. "Hey whats for breakfast." "Biscuts." she said. "Great." I said. She stared at my hair and smiled. "I love your hair you look so sexy." she kissed me. "Thanks babe." I smiled. I go to the restroom and look at my hair it looked great. I did some poses but I didn't know Joey was staring at me. "Just pretend you didn't see anything." I said. He nodded and ran.

I went out the restroom and down the stairs and ate my food. "I like it." I smiled. "Thanks." she smiled. "Today I'm going to sign guitars at 3pm so I'll be back around 6pm." I said. "Ok but where are you going?" "To Mike's." I said. I'm having a great day and I don't want no one to mess it up.


Sorry its short but write more later bye!

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