Memories Come Back Chp.7

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Taryn has been a little prankster its the stage were Taryn starts lying. Great. I was looking for Taryn and no where to be seen. She wrote all over my face! "Taryn!" I yelled. She came out of the kitchen cabinets. "Yes." she grinned. "Why did you do this?" I pointed to my face. "I didn't do it?" She did a confused face. "Ok." I said. I knew it was her I went to the restroom took a shower and did morning routines.

1 hour later***

Me and Taryn were finished eating breakfast while the other guys were asleep. I looked for Taryn. Again. I searched and searched no clue. Then I heard laughter from the music room. I went in and there was Taryn strumming Amy my white and red guitar with the adeline sticker. "Daddy This is beautiful." she smiled. "Yea and your mother gave it to me before she died." I said.


Amy's P.O.V

February 13th and tomorrow is Valentine's Day! And 3 days later is My Sexy Man's Birthday. I planned to make a present and buy one. I went to the store and brought a white and red guitar with an adeline record sign. I smiled and took it home I hid it and I hope he never finds it. I grabbed his black vintage gibson and played a few notes for a song but my belly got in my way sometimes. Billie walked in and I stopped and smiled. "What are you doing with my black vintage?" He asked. "Well I was doing something but I just finished playing it." I said. "Ok." He gave me a kiss and I gave him his guitar. Once he put it on the Rack he came and snuggled with me im bed even though it was afternoon we are still gonna go to sleep. I gave him a kiss again and then fell asleep on his chest.

End of Flashback***

I looked at the black vintage the one she played before she left the world. I thought it was a special guitar since she touched it and she also touched blue only her and Taryn.


February 14th. I was there with Amy waiting for my angel. "Billie." She said. "Yea?" "I got you a present." She smiled. "Where is it?" "At Home." She smiled. "Ok but where in home?" I asked. "Tell You later." She said

End of flashback***

Good old Memories. I played Amy and she still sounded in shape like always. "Daddy I wanna play guitar like you." She giggled. "Ok I'll teach you when your older.

Sorry its short :/ but.........

•°•°Happy Fuckin Birthday Billie Joe Fucken Armstrong!!!°•°• I LOVE HIM! MY BIGGEST INSPIRATIONS!

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