Another Girl Chp.5

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I woke up and Taryn was still asleep I tried my best not to wake her up. Once she was off my arm I had her drool it was so cute. I went downstairs to get breakfast for me and Taryn and a buch of girls came up to me. God Why did I have to be born sexy? The girls asked for autographs and for pictures and I did it so I can take the food to Taryn. One of the girls she was my age and she looked pretty and she came up to me. "My friend over there thinks you are hot and wants to sleep with you." she said. "Well tell her I'm not intrested in her I'm intrested in another girl in this room." I said. "Which is...." "You." "Me? How can you like me? Im ugly." "You are beautiful!" I said. I hugged her and I took her to the room with me. Why do I always pick up chicks? Man I feel like a manwhore since I have Adrienne. I opened the door and Taryn was crying I ran and she had her arms wide open "Daddy!" She cried. I carried her and I gave her the breakfast. She ate and so did I and the girl. "What's your name?" I asked. "Sheyla." She smiled. "Well Sheyla this is my daughter Taryn." "Wait you are married?" "I was engaged but she ended up passing away giving birth to her." I said. I felt a tear stream down my face Taryn wiped it away and Sheyla grabbed my hand. "Its ok Billie she is safer now." She said. I couldn't resist but I kissed her and she kissed back. "Ewwww." Taryn said. I stopped and took her to Mike's room "Billie stop being a manwhore." "Hey its just a girl not like its a groupie." I said. He closed the door and I went back to my room. "Where were we? Oh yea." I kissed her and she kissed back. I begged for the entrance I stopped "How old are you." "24." she simply replied. We continued kissing.

(Sexy Time! But in your heads)

Once we both finished we both lied in bed with no clothes but we were under the covers. I grabbed a cigarette and lit it up. "Want one?" "No I'm fine." She said. I pulled her close to me I like her she is cool and nice and hot. She got a call "Shit its my boyfriend." She said. And she has a boyfriend. She gave me a kiss and her number she got dressed and walked out.

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