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Brooke pov:
Manwhore. That was the word to describe the one and only, Nicholas Dobbs. He has fucked more girls than a grown man has in his whole life time . Yeah, yeah all the girls fall for him , but not me . I plan to keep it that way too. Everybody knows Nick is only after one thing and that's a girl's virginity. Virgins are his special . He even took my poor best friend , Payton's virginity. It was at a party he tried getting me first , but I kept strong, so he decided to go for the weak link. He took her into one of the many bedrooms in the house and bam it happened. The next day he did the same thing with the 8th grader at the time, Katherine Maya. He was a junior.

I walked through the halls of Franklin Regional High School. Nick was currently making out with Olivia Ice, also another one of his victims. Girls are so stupid. He paused his make out session to watch me pass by. His eyes slowly making their way to my butt. I had on high waisted shorts which made it pop out a bit more. he winked at me and mouthed "call me " . I rolled my eyes and made my way to my locker which is by Brandon pent's , aka my guy best friend. He's at his locker too and greets me with a warm hug, but then Nick magically appears in front of us.
"Hey Brooke !" He says with a sweet smile.
"Hi. " I say still grabbing books from my locker .
"Soooo.... Do you have a date to prom?" He asks .
"No." I answer shutting my locker.
"Well, would you go with me ?" He asks flashing his pearly whites.
"First off, you disgust me. Second we're not even friends . And third, we're not having sex!" , I respond .
"Woah, who said any about sex ?" He says scratching his head.
"Please Nick , we all know you're after one thing."
"Brooke , can you give me a chance ."
"No." I walk away leaving him with Brandon .
I don't get how he and Brandon are best friends yet so different.

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