Chapter 18

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Nick pov:
I screwed up. And I screwed up bad this time. I sighed, as I was laying down on my bed looking at the fan spin around. I sat up and picked up my phone from my nightstand , dialing Peyton's number .
"Hello?" The confused voice answered.
"Hey it's Nick."
"Uh.. Nick what do you want ?" She said flatly.
"Have you seen Brooke?"I sighed.
"Yeah, I'm at her house right now."
"Do you mind keeping her out of the house, I'm planning on doing something... Just don't tell her anything."
"Okay, just to let you know she hates you." And with that she hung up.
~Brooke pov:
I was currently sitting on my bed eating ice cream and watching Netflix. And you know what I was watching ? The Notebook. Why? I don't know, I was basically torturing myself by watching a romance movie. Peyton came in with a bag of chips and sat down on my bed.
"Why are you watching The Notebook?!" She gasped and quickly turned my tv off with a click of a button.
"Hey! I was happily crying my eyes out , thanks." I fold my arms and pout.
"This isn't going to help you." She sighs.
"Who says I want to be helped?" I retort , just a bit too bitterly.
"Look, you need to get up and stop whining about everything and watching romantic movies , because this isn't going to make you feel any better. I don't care what happened with you and Nick , you're going to get up and we are going to go live life like the usual." She says snapping at me, her patience with me is gone completely.
"B-but I don't wa-" I start.
I roll my eyes getting up from my bed and heading towards my closet. I quickly find some sweatpants and a t-shirt and throw it on my bed.
"You're wearing this?" Peyton asks, picking up my selection like its a piece of dirty laundry.
"Yeah..?" I smile sheepishly.
"Move out the way." She says stomping towards my closet.
After about 10 minutes she decides on light wash skinny jeans, with a gray crop top that says , "coffee" inside a heart on the place where your actual heart is. I think I can pick my own shoes , but she throws me some white sandals to go with the outfit, I was going for converse but whatever. I get changed reluctantly and head to the bathroom. I throw my hair in a bun, not wanting to do anything with it. Makeup is a no for today, so I look like Casper the friendly ghost. I come out and stretch my arms out, to show Peyton how I look. She's currently on the phone and her wide smile slowly
turns into a frown of disapproval.
"Hey Kevin? I got to go." She says turning off her phone.
"Kevin?" I fold my arms a smirk forming on my face.
"Yeah.. And ?"
"AND? He's like the second most popular guy at school Peyton." Nicks the first I think in my head.
"Yeah and he asked me on a date." A slight smile forms on her lips.
"PEYTON HAS A CRUSHHHH." I yelp childishly taking her hands and spinning around and around.
"Shut up!" She mumbles.
"I won't, only if you let me goooo out like thisssss." I sing.
"Fine, lets get out of here." She says standing up.
"So, what happened between you and Nick" Peyton asked , licking the froyo off her spoon.
i looked down at my own cup of pineapple froyo, suddenly loosing appetite.
"He wouldn't tell me he loved me so I got mad." I said quietly.
"WHAT? That's why you're mad?! Maybe the boys just not ready!" She shrieked.
i covered my ears, she was so embarrassing at times.
"You should call him." She shrugged like it was nothing.
"I don't think I'm ready to face him, I basically blew up at him for no reason." I sighed.
She ignored my statement and continued to eat her froyo when her phone buzzed. A smirk appeared on her face , "it's time to go lets gooooo" she sang.
She got up from her chair and basically dragged me out of there.
"Where are we going ? " I asked in a bored tone.
"I'm sorry!" She said before taking two bandanas out .
"Wh-what are you doing?" I asked sinking into my seat in her car.
"It's for the best." She whispered.
She pinned me down and wrestled me to tie the bandana around my eyes and tied around my hands.
"Peyton im going to seriously murder you." I said through clenched teeth.
"Brooke shut up, were almost here!" She smacked my arm as I reached for the door handle, I was seriously ready to jump out.
"Ow." I said rubbing my arm where she had hit it.
The car came to a stop, and Peyton's door opened and closed.
"So are you just gonna leave me in here to die?!" I yelled.
"No be quiet!" She opened my door and pulled me.
"Remember I'm blindfolded!" I said stumbling over my own two feet.
She hooked her arm with mine and began walking. I seriously had no idea where I was. She lead me inside a house..... My house? And up some stairs.. My house has stairs. Then opened a door and shut me in there.
I took my blindfold off and gasped. There were balloons all over my room. Like literally my room was covered in balloons and then there was Nick. He held a sign and roses. The sign said "PROM?" In big bold letters. He gave me a warm smile, I can't believe he did this all for me. I approached him slowly and gave him a big gigantic hug.
"I'm sorry." I mumbled into his shirt.
"No, I should be apologizing." He said stroking my hair.
"Brooke hyland will you go to prom with me?" He asked kissing my forehead.
"Is that even a question? Of course I'll go." I smile.
"Good, because I kind of already paid for the hotel afterwards" he smirks.
"You're such an ass!" I smack him.
"You love this ass."

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