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Brooke pov:
I woke up the next day ,not even recognizing where I was. Then all of a sudden the memories of last night came to me . I look down at my waist to see a pair of arms wrapped around me. My body was pressed against Nick's , his soft breath tickling my neck. I unwrapped his arms from around me and got up from his bed. I walked over to his mirror and looked at my reflection, my hair was a mess, my makeup was smudged, and I didn't have a bra on . I scanned the room for signs of my clothes, my bra on the side of the bed and the rest of my clothes in a pile on the ground. All of a sudden Nick turned around in the bed, still asleep. He looked so peaceful and cute with his hair all messed up, sticking out in different directions. After I got fully dressed and cleaned myself up I walked over to him and kissed him on the cheek. Maybe the kid wasn't so bad. Maybe I could be the one to change the way he is . Maybe we could actually have something. My head was full of "maybes" and "what ifs".

I drove home and checked my phone to see the time . It was 8:00 a.m. Crap I spent the whole night. I opened the door quietly , trying not to make a sound as I slowly crept in . Surprisingly , there was someone waiting for me as I went up to my room. Josh was sitting there with a pissed off look on his face.
"Where have you been?" He asked trying to contain his temper.
"That's none of your concern." I said brushing him off.
"What do you mean that's none of my concern ? I'm your brother do you really think I don't care what you do? You just spent the whole fucking night out God knows where. " He says now raising his voice.
"Can you chill?" , I begin "I was at a friends okay?" I say feeling bad that I lied to him.
"Whatever. I know you're lying. And I will find out where you were."
"Well you won't find anything." , I snap back at him.
He gets up from my bed and walks straight past me , making sure to bump into my shoulder. I found it adorable how he was worried about me , but he didn't have to be so overprotective. I was older than him anyways he was just a sophomore, God .

I remembered I had school at 9. I put on light wash shorts, a navy tank top, and gold strappy sandals . I also curled my hair lightly, making it look wavy and put makeup on. I wanted to look good for Nick surprisingly . I walked out my room and headed straight for Paige's.
"HURRY UP OR IM LEAVING YOU." I screamed as I banged my fist on her door.
She open up the door and rolled her eyes , " calm down would ya?"
"I'll be in my car waiting. Go call Josh." I say as I start walking downstairs.
I soon hear footsteps behind me , indicating both of my siblings are ready to go.
We head to my car and get in. Josh, who usually calls dibs on shotgun , sits in the back without saying a word to me. He's probably still pissed , so Paige sits in the passenger seat next to me .
"Woke up on the wrong side of bed much?" She says out loud , looking at josh through the rearview mirror.
"Shut up and leave me alone." He says pulling out his phone.
"I'm sure Chloe won't appreciate your attitude." Paige snaps back.
He doesn't say a word, but groans in frustration. As, I pull up to the school, he immediately gets out and walks toward the freshman building to wait for a Chloe , even though he's supposed to be with the sophomores. Paige follows his lead and walks into the building. I'm left alone , parked in my spot . I gather all my books and walk slowly to my building , which the juniors and seniors share. Payton greets me with a hug and Elissa walks up beside me .
"So how was it yesterday with Nick the dick?" Payton asks.
"Um, fine I guess." I reply avoiding eye contact .
"Fine ? Nothing happened?" Elissa asks while munching on an apple.
"Nope." I say popping the p.
"You look almost guilty are you sure noth-" Payton begins again but is cut off by the bell
"Look at that got to go." I say smiling happily at both of them.
They look at me suspiciously and walk away to their classes. I heard we had a substitute so I take my time , stopping by the bathroom to check myself . As I walk In I hear two people in a stall moaning and moving around . I see a striped sweater , a bow tie, and shorts lying on the ground inside. What the fuck? Are they really doing a quickie in the bathroom . Not even I would do that , and I've done some pretty weird things. The two people come out making out. I then recognize the two people, one of them being Brianna Shoup and the other no one other then Nick Dobbs.
"Uh, I should go ." I say choking back tears, as I run out the bathroom.
"I'll be back" he tells the girl and runs after me .
I walk fast trying to get to class , but a hand catches my shoulder as im about to walk in. I turn to see Nick , I immediately tear his hand off.
"Leave me alone ! " I say letting the tears stroll down my face.
He smirks and covers my mouth, throwing me over his shoulder. His hand gripping my legs as I hang upside down while he walks. I pound my fists on his back and kick , screaming for him to let me go. he walks into the janitors closet and let's me down.
"What's your problem?" He says now clearly annoyed.
"What's my PROBLEM?" I say raising my voice.
He shrugs, " yeah why are you having a bitch fit."
"I - I didn't know you felt that way." He said looking down.
"Well, next time you should consider someone else's feelings and not focus on just yours. Oh and whatever we had , if to you we even had something is OVER. You can forget I even exist." I yell reaching for the door.
Instead he blocks my way and presses his lips against mine.
"I love you Brooke." He Says into my mouth.
"You don't mean it remember?" I say bitterly walking out.

Mr.PlayerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora