Chapter 19

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Brooke pov:
"That looks like the color of my cat's vomit" Peyton said as she twisted her lips.
I narrowed my eyes at her from my place in front of the big mirror. The prom dress I was wearing was fitted and dull green. I wasn't quite pleased with the dress either.
"Peyton I haven't found anything and you found yours already." I whined.
She looked up from her phone and rolled her eyes, "let me work my magic. Stay here."
I plopped down on a white sofa and closed my eyes, I was getting so frustrated.
"OMG OMG OMG!" I heard shrieking from across the store, had to be Peyton.
"What?" I said blandly as I stopped behind her.
"Look at his dress, it's like perfect for you!!" She said shoving it in my hands.
"Idk Peyt... It might be too-"
She put a finger on my lips, "shut up and try the dress."
I sulked back to the fitting room and shimmied into my new dress, well skirt. The bottom part was a white skirt with black polka dots. The top part of the skirt was fitted then widened once it reached mid thigh. The top was like a black lace sleeveless crop top. I didn't think I was going to like this at all. I reluctantly got out of the fitting room just to please Peyton , and prove she was wrong about the dress. I stopped in front of the mirror and my jaw dropped. It was absolutely stunning , I just couldn't stop staring at my reflection.
"Wow you - you look stunning Brooke ." Peyton said as I still stared at myself.
"Yeah I'm getting it!! Go take my place in line for checkout." I beamed.
Nick pov:
"Dude should I go with a black tux or gray?" Kevin asked as we played Fifa on my Xbox.
"Idk man, I'm going with a black one , it's the safest option." I said trying to block a pass.
"Yeah , you're right... Shit man, how are you so good at this game?"
"I'm a beast bro, a beast." I winked at him.
My phone buzzed in my pocket and I paused the game.
"Really man?" Kevin whined.
It was a text from Brooke: "I found my dress!! It's absolutely stunning on me"
N- I bet. But you know how it would look better?
B- how?
N- On the floor after I strip it off of you(;
B- I hate you.
N- you actually love me.
B- not.
I turn my phone off to see Kevin smirking at me.
"Things getting pretty serious between you two?" He says folding his arms.
"Yeah, you know... I guess you could said that" I said , I don't think he knows about our little "love game".
He opens his mouth to speak, but I quickly cut him off wanting to get off the subject, "so how about you and Ackerman?"
His eyes go wide, "how'd you know about that?!"
"Dude, it's pretty obvious you guys like eachother." I chuckle.
"No it's not!"
I give him a bored look, "Really? The secret , not so secret meetings during class, the way you guys glance At eachother every 5 seconds during lunch, how you always walk her to her car after school, how you're taking her to prom!! Pretty obvious don't ya think?"
"Well, shut up about it!! I don't want the whole student body knowing our business."he says.
"You're a fucktard." I shake my head.
"Shut up dobbs!"

Brooke pov:
Brandon saw me. Crap, crap , crap, CRAP!!! I try to act like I don't notice he's there , and continue to look for my prom heels.
"Brooke?" A finger taps my shoulder.
I close my eyes, shit, I slowly turn around and face him, "oh Brandon hi.."
"Hey can I talk to you , it'll l only take a minute."
"Uh sure..." I say sitting on the nearby chair.
"Look, I never had the chance to apologize about what happened between us. I know I had promised I wouldn't hurt him, but you looked so sad and I just couldn't control myself. And I'm sorry for trying to kiss you, I know I kind of screwed our friendship up, we were best friends and just -"
"I want another chance at -"
"Please I'm so sorry I should've never-"
"Yeah?" He answers sheepishly
"It's okay." I laugh.
"Yeah, all I was waiting for was for you to say sorry and that's it. I didn't need a whole explanation for me to forgive you. Besides, I miss my best friend."
He smiles and leans in to give me a tight hug, "so what are you doing here?" He asks.
"You know, shopping for prom shoes." I say gesturing around , "you?"
"Well, I came to rent my tux then saw you and got distracted."
"Oh so you're going to prom?"
"Yeahhh...." He says looking at the ground.
"With- with who?" I say suddenly for no absolute reason feeling a pang of jealousy.
"Bri..." He says rocking back and forth on his heels.
"Brandon are you kidding me? Brianna shoup? She's such a whore and you know that." I say folding my arms.
"Well, she's actually pretty nice B."
"Pretty nice?" I snap , "she did a quickie with Nick after we had sex, Brandon."
"Maybe she didn't know?" He tries again.
"Whatever she's an attention seeking whore."
"I got to go... The 'attention seeking whore' is waiting for me." He says bitterly walking away.
"Brandon come back."
"No B, I get it. Call me later okay?" He says in the distance.

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