Chapter 15

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Brooke pov:
I haven't heard from Nick in 3 days. The day he dropped me off he said he'd call, and he hasn't. Is it bad to say I'm kind of disappointed? Whatever, it's like nick to not call back girls, he should've called me considering I'm his girlfriend! I went downstairs to where my brother Josh had his feet propped up on the coffee table while watching tv. I plopped next to him and shoved his feet of the table.
"What the hell is your problem?" He asks folding his arms.
"Nothing." I mutter , shooting him a fake smile.
"Something's bothering you." He says waving his hand slightly.
"I'm not kidding nothing is-" I start to say but am cut off by my phone buzzing in my back pocket.
I walk out the living room Into the kitchen to answer whoevers calling. I pull out my phone to see Nick's name flashing on my screen.
"What?" I answer bitterly.
"Now sweetheart that isn't a way to answer to your boyfriend." He says smoothly.
"Why so salty babe?"
"Why so salty?!" I retort , "you haven't called me in 3 days and you ignored me at school Monday."
"Oh dear, I'm a busy guy you know."
"You're an asshole." I say and hang up.

"Who was that?" Josh asks as I walk back into the living room.
"Mom, she says to go do the laundry." I lied.
"What if I don't do it?" He smirks at me.
"She said she'll take your phone away." I say.
"Ugh fuck you." He says before walking away.
I smile and change the channel Josh was watching , which was football. Such a guy.
I pull out my phone and play candy crush. Nicks name pops up again and I ignore the call. In the next 10 minutes I swear about 50 text messages come in from him, that I decide to just turn off my phone. I sit back and relax, closing my eyes and humming to the background music from Josh's room. Out of no where the door bell rings.
"I'll get it." I scream.
I jog over to the door and open it expecting mom or someone important. And there stands before me no one other than Nicholas Dobbs.
"Hey babe." He says leaning against the door frame.
I roll my eyes and slam the door , walking back to my place on the couch.
"Ouch." I hear him say and I smile satisfied.
I then feel someone's presence in front of me and I open my eyes suddenly . I see a nick hovering above me , biting his lip. I squirm feeling self conscious as I'm only wearing a sports bra, sweatpants , and my hair up in a bun.
"You look hot." He says leaning down to kiss me in the crook of my neck .
I want to give in but I'm hella pissed so I curve his attempt to kiss me and slip from under him.
"Leave me alone." I say as I jog upstairs to my room.
I hear footsteps behind me and a voice calling , "wait up."
I go to my room and plop down on my bed face down.
"Can I lay down with you?" Nick asks suddenly beside me.
I swear I think he's secretly superman considering how fast he is.
"Whatever floats your boat." I mumble into my pillow.
I feel the bed sink as he lays close beside me , too close. I scooch over leaving a wide gap between us, but soon again he's pressed up against me.
"You know ," he says suddenly , "theres only one more week till we make a month." He sings the last part.
"And?" I say boringly.
"I get to ride you like a pony." He smiles widely at me.
I shoot him a look and sit up , my arms across my chest.
"What's up with you?" He asks twirling a piece of my hair between his fingers.
"You haven't called me in 3 days. Nick, what am I? A toy you can just play with?" I say my throat suddenly closing.
"Oh no baby, I didn't mean to hurt you c'mere." He opens his arms wide out.
I don't move at all , but just stare into his eyes , trying to see what he actually feels towards me.
"Well if you're gonna be like that." He says and grabs me by my waist and places me between his legs, my back to his chest. He rests his chin on my head as I look down at my hands , suddenly feeling awkward.
"Hey." He says.
I look up to meet his eyes and he places a soft kiss on my lips. I close my eyes and put his arms around my waist. He places a kiss on my shoulder, and I lace my hand through his.
"Hey Nick?"
"Don't fall for me."

Nick pov:
"Don't fall for me."
I think I already have. I close my eyes and just nod, leaning back on a pillow for support. We stay quiet for a couple of seconds until I break the silence.
"Hey you wanna go to a house party?"
"Yeah, sure." She says , running her one free hand up and down my leg.
I bite my lip, trying to keep myself controlled as I really want to fuck her so hard right now.
"Alright I'll pick you up at 8:30 tonight ." I say checking my phone to see my time.
I have exactly one hour to make myself look presentable. Brooke rolls over to where she is now sitting beside me , calling someone.
"Can Peyton come?" She asks.
"Sure, but she needs to find her own ride." I shrug. I want Brooke all to myself.
I get off the bed and start to walk out the door , but turn around.
"Oh and Brooke?" I smirk , "where a dress you look hot in them."

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