Chapter 16

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Brooke pov:

I looked at myself in my full sized mirror and sighed. I wasn't exactly comfortable in what I was wearing, nor did I feel satisfied with it. I was wearing a black long sleeved dress that reached mid thigh, the top part was a black see through material. I accompanied it with red pumps and braided my hair loosely to the side. I groaned as I hated my look , but had no time to change as it was already 8:20. I paced back and forth chewing on my bottom lip, waiting for Nick to call. I honestly don't even know why Im feeling this way towards him. I seriously need to stop thinking about him, tonight I was going to drown myself in liquor. My phone buzzed by my night stand and i literally lunged towards it.

"Hello?" I said breathlessly.

"Hey princess , you ready? Im downstairs , about to ring your doorbell in 3..2.." Nick asked.

Ding "Yeah, I'll be down in a sec."

I grabbed my clutch and started to walk towards the door but made my way back to the mirror. I applied a bit more of my nude lipstick and walked out.

Nick pov:

Josh, Brooke's brother answered the door quickly and looked me up and down.

"What?" he scoffed.

I folded my arms and quirked a brow, "Your sister's boyfriend, Nick" I stuck a hand out at him.

"I know who you are." he eyed me and refused my hand.

"okay..." I said more to myself and stuck my hand in my back pocket

"Come in," he muttered , "she's almost ready."

I stepped inside the Hyland's home and leaned against a wall across the staircase. My jaw dropped as Brooke descended the staircase, but I quickly shut my mouth and cleared my throat. As she descended, she pulled her tight fitting dress down and gave me a sheepish smile. I masked on a smirk and took her hand when she got the bottom.

"You look hot." I said scratching the back of my head.

"Thanks , but I couldn't say the same about you." she giggled.

"" I struggled for words and suddenly found my shoes interesting.

"Nick, I'm kidding." she said raising my chin up with two fingers.

"Duh , i know I'm hot." I said taking her hand from my chin and pressing a kiss on the back of it. Her cheeks turned a soft crimson , "We should get going."

"After you." I said opening the door for her.

"Why are you being so nice?" she smiled once I started to open the car door for her.

"Okay then I won't be." I said slamming it and getting in the driver's seat.

"jerk." she muttered as she slipped inside my car.

I couldn't help but notice how her dress hitched up as she got in.

"So, are you going to dance with me tonight princess?" I wiggled my eyebrows up and down.

"Whats up with you calling me princess all of a sudden? And I don't know I might dance with Brandon." she said, but then her face turned pale realizing what she had just said.

My jaw clenched at the sound of Brandon's name, and my grip on the steering wheel tightened.

"I-I meant Kevin." she stuttered.

"Fine, Brooke I won't call you princess and the only one you're dancing with is me." I said seriously.

"When did you turn so possessive?" she asked quietly.

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