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"Thump, thump." I was home alone and I kept hearing noises in my damn house. Someone was knocking on my door and I was scared as hell. I looked over at my clock and it was 3:05 in the morning, peachy isn't it? I groaned and slipped out of bed , grabbing a baseball bat as I passed Josh's room. I creeped down the stairs and slowly opened the door. I raised my bat up ready to hit when Nick backed away as I flung the door.
"What the hell are you doing here it's 3 in the morning?!" I whisper yelled.
He quirked a brow looking at his phone, "it says here to surprise your girlfriend in the middle of the night with roses." He flashed a charming smile.
"Did you really just look up how to be a good boyfriend?!" I said crossing my arms.
He looks to his feet and rocks back and forth, "Oh these are for you" he says handing me a bouquet of roses. I take them from him and shiver, it was getting chilly outside.
"Do you wanna come in?" I ask motioning to the door.
He nods and follows my lead inside. We go up to my room and he pushes past me before I can even get through the door. He starts to strip off his clothes right in front of me.
"what are you doing ?!" , I say wide eyed.
"Going to sleep duhhh?" He says slipping off his pants.
He sleeps in his underwear, of course he does. He plops onto my bed and brings the covers up to his face, where you can only see his eyes. I stand there awkwardly not knowing what to do.
"Well are you coming ?" He asks.
"Um.. I don't think I -"
"Come on you are my girlfriend." He smirks , emphasizing the word girlfriend.
I sigh and tuck myself in next to him.
"Don't you try anything with me Dobbs." I say scooting away from him.
Instead he reaches for my waist and pulls me against his body. He places a kiss on my neck and I groan. He's turning me on already, but I snap out of it and slap his hands around me.
"Don't think about it." I scowl at him.
He raises his hands up as a sign of surrender and flips around so his back is facing my back. I sigh and try to go to sleep, but all I can think about is how much I'm going to regret this "game".

\\short chapter sorry\\

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