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Brooke pov:
"I hope he likes it." Peyton smiles as she admires herself in her dress.
"You look beautiful Peyt." I smile.
"Thanks." She says smoothing it out.
Peyton looked gorgeous , stunning even. Her dress fit perfectly in all the right places, accenting her nice curves. I felt like I looked boring compared to her.
"Brooke? what's wrong." She asks , coming next to me in front of my mirror.
"Nothing." I lie and apply some lipstick.
"You can't hide anything from me , what's wrong ?" She says raising her eyebrows.
"I just - just feel not pretty next to you." I shrug.
"Are you serious ? You look hot ! Hot enough to get laid tonight." She wiggles her eyebrows.
I laugh, " you're so stupid Peyton."
"I know I get that a lot.... I wonder if the boys are here." She says folding her arms.
As if on cue the doorbell rings and my brother Josh yells for us. I take one last look in the mirror before going down. As I descend down the stairs I don't look up, not one time. I haven't even seen Nick's reaction and I'm kind of scared to see what he thinks. I come to the bottom of the stairs and slowly lift up my gaze to meet his piercing green eyes. His lips form a slight smile and he looks so handsome with his suit.
"Um.. You look stunning." He says wrapping his arms around my waist.
I look to my side to see Kevin and Peyton hand in hand smiling like its nobody's business.
"PICTURE TIME!!!!" My mom says run into the room with her new camera.
"Mom!!" I whine.
"Brooke don't start with me ." She says giving me a look.
"Alright kids get In a line and boys wrap your arms around the girls waists please." She starts.
My cheeks turn bright red as Nick pulls me close to his body and wrap his arms around my tiny waist.
"One.. Two.. Three.. CHEESE!" She says taking the picture and making the flash go off.
"Mrs. Hyland do you think Brooke and I can get one alone?" Nick asks after we're done.
"Sure sweetie." She replies.
"What do you think you're doing ?" I ask through clenched teeth.
"Taking a picture duhhh." He says wrapping his arms around me once more.
After we take the picture my mom calls me over to look at the pictures. After scrolling through them Nick and mines comes. I notice he's not looking at the camera but looking at me.
"Brooke get over here, the limo's here." He says interrupting my thoughts.
I walk over to him and lace his hands through mine as we head out to the limo. When we're in we start heading the opposite direction to where the prom is being held.
"Um dude, did you give him the right address?" Nick asks Kevin.
"Oh yeah we're going to go pick up Brandon and his date !" Kevin grins.
"Are you fucking stupid?" Nick asks giving him bored look.
"What? I thought you guys were friends again? At least that's what Brandon gave me the impression of." Kevin says sitting up straighter.
"No you dumb shit we aren't friends again!"
"Well sorry I didn't know." Kevin says slinging an arm over Peyton's shoulders.
The limo comes to a stop and I see Brandon and Brianna coming out the house.
"Great." Nick mutters.
The limo door opens and In comes Brandon and Brianna. Nick drops my hand which he was currently holding and looks out the window to avoid my gaze, what is even up with him.
"Seriously ? He's with that slut?" Nick says a little too loudly.
"You know I'm here right ?" Brianna says scooting closer to where Brandon is seated, looking at the ground.
"Hey Bri." Peyton says giving her a slight smile.
"Hey Peyton. It seems like you're the only one with manners around this place, considering none of your friends bothered to say hi. And This man whore over here just insulted me." She says pointedly.
"Remember you slept with me bitch." Nick says shooting her a death stare.
"Damn right you did !" Kevin adds in.
"Shut up Kev." Nick mutters at him.
"How about you princess Brooke? You haven't spoken a word. Cat caught your tongue?" Brianna says now shooting for me.
"Leave her alone Brianna, you're a worthless whore." Nick intervenes.
"Brandon aren't you going to defend me?!" She asks looking at Brandon sitting there watching everything play out.
"Nick, please stop calling my date names." He says looking straight into Nick's eyes.
"Fuck you." Nick says chuckling.
"What did you just say?" Brandon says sitting up and leans forward.
"Fuck you Brandon . Need me to spell it out for you? F-u-c-k -y-o-u"
"Don't you ever speak to me like that again Dobbs , you're crossing the line."
"Blah blah blah same old shit." Nick retorts.
and that's when Brandon got up he stood in front of Nick, "say one more shitty comment to me , I dare you."
Nick opened his mouth to speak, but I quickly interrupted speaking for the first time , "okay everybody settle down. This is prom , it's supposed to be fun and positive. So Brandon please go sit down and Brianna don't start shit with my friends alright?"
Nick looks at me wide eyed, and Brandon returns to his spot next to Queen Bri. Between all the fighting we hadn't even noticed we had arrived at our location already.
Brandon and Brianna were the first ones out and walking towards the entrance. Next it was Peyton and Kevin walking hand in hand. When it came to our turn Nick hesitated and stopped when we were almost out.
"What's wrong ?" I asked curious to what was bothering him.
"Nothing." He smirks , "ready to do this shit?"
I nod and he kisses my neck , "let's go."
Nick pov :
We walk into this grand palace looking thing and Its crazy in there. There's the scent of alcohol wafting through the air and bodies grinding against each other. What even is this? Is there even teachers here tonight ?
I guess there is because I hear Mr. Matthews voice booming through the speakers, "I hope everyone's having a good time tonight!!" The crowd whoops and cheers , "everybody grab your date and get ready to slow dance!"
Skinny love comes on and Brooke shrieks , " I love this song come on!!" She says dragging me.
"I really don't dance" I say in a bored tone.
"Come on is the player afraid to be seen with one girl?" She retorts, shifting her weight from one foot to another.
"No. I just don't feel like it. " I shrug.
" You're such a jerk that's why I'm going to make you." She says and grabs my hand pulling me to the dance floor.
She wraps her arms around my neck and I wrap my arms around her waist. We slowly begin to sway and I can't help but stare down at her.
"What's up with you and staring ?" She whispers looking into my eyes.
"I don't know..." I say honestly.
She presses her forehead against mine and moves closer against me. I can feel her heartbeat quicken against mine.
"Kiss me." She whispers, barely even audible.
"What?" I laugh lowly.
"I said kiss me." She says now we've fully stopped dancing and she's looking at me with those eyes of hers.
I start to lean in and I can see her eyes close. Once our lips are mere centimeters away from eachother I whisper onto her lips, "let's get out of here."
She gulps , but nods slowly.

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