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Nick pov:
I was leaning on the counter currently downing down some whiskey when Auriel sighed.
"What?" I asked quirking a brow.
"I'm bored." She whined as she sniffed her drink.
"Well that's too bad." I replied slurring a bit.
She came closer to me and wrapped her arms around my neck.
"Why don't we go somewhere quieter?" She asked.
"I dunno." I said looking away. I felt like I needed to stay loyal to Brooke. I wonder where she was.. Probably being a slut and sleeping with Brandon. I clenched my jaw wanting to get my mind off her.
"Come on Nick... Live a little." She said placing a kiss on my lips.
My hands lowered to her ass and she gasped a little moving her lips to my neck. She grabbed my hand and lead me upstairs to a random room. I was feeling so drunk I barely knew where I was going. I sat on the bed inside the room as she locked the door. She came over and straddled me, "you're so sexy." She mumbled.
She proceeded by unbuttoning my shirt , running a hand over my abs. She laid me down on the bed and took off her shirt in one quick move, leaving her in her bra.
"Touch me Nick." She said leaning down to suck on my neck.
I grabbed one of her breast and massaged it , making her moan and run her hands down my arm.
"Stop, I can't do this." I said , sitting up.
"Wh-what do you mean?" She said clinging to me.
"I have a girlfriend." I grumbled.
"Everybody knows Nick Dobbs doesn't do girlfriends." She smirked and continued to kiss me.
I closed my eyes, "I need to go."
"No you don't. Come on real quick then you can go back to your girlfriend." She begged.
I shook my head and started to walk out the room , grabbing my shirt on the way. I closed the door behind me and buttoned up my shirt when I heard Brooke's voice.
"I have a boyfriend!!!" She basically screamed.
"Aww , Nick doesn't have to find out." The other voice, I couldn't quite make out who it was.
I walked towards the room across me and swung the door open.
"What the fuck?" I said my hand clenching into a fist, at what I was looking at. Some fucktard was on top of Brooke currently making out with her. I walked towards him and tapped on his shoulder.
He turned his head slightly, "what man?"
I rolled my eyes and punched him right in the jaw , making him fall off of Brooke.
"What the hell?!" He screamed at me, now up in my face.
"Stay away from my fucking girlfriend next time!" I said pushing him back on the bed.
I hadn't noticed Brooke was behind me , until I felt her drag me out the door.
"Thankyou." She said once we were outside on the porch.
"What happened back there?" I said looking at her straight in the eyes.
"I didn't know he was going to go that far.." She said rubbing her left arm.
"Be more careful next time , please." I said my eyes softening.
"Why do you even care?!" She snapped back at me.
"Because I do."
"WHY? Tell me why." She said placing a hand on my cheek.
I couldn't bring myself to say it. I couldn't bring myself to say the three words I told myself I'd never say.
"Three words , eight letters and I'm yours." She whispered.
I closed my eyes, "I'm so sorry Brooke."
Her hand fell from my cheek and her head turned, she nodded, "I get it."
She started to walk away, "where are you going ? Brooke please." I pleaded.
I jogged to catch up with her,"leave me alone." She said as she wiped a tear from her cheek.
"I'm so sorry, please don't leave. I just don't think I'm ready."
She stopped in her tracks, "you'll never be ready." She said shaking her head.
I ran towards her once more and stopped in front of her. I reached outward to hug her , but as I did she squirmed around.
Brooke pov:
"Leave me the hell alone." I pushed him off of me and continued to walk my way home. There was no way I was going to go home with him.
"Brooke..." I heard his voice in the background.
I shook my head, I didn't care anymore. I continued to walk, not looking back even once. He didn't even bother to come after me , shows how much he cares. I could feel hot tears start to come down, but I quickly wiped them away. It was really cold outside, and I don't think I could make it to my house. I got my phone out and dialed Josh's number.
"Hello?" He said sleepily.
"Josh, it's Brooke, can you pick me up at elm street?" I asked through tears.
"Yeah, sure. What happened?"
"I'll explain later." I said ending the call.
I sat on the curb and waited for Josh to pull up, my elbows on my knees. Nick tried to call a couple of times , but I denied the call every time. When I thought he had given up a voicemail came through.
"Brooke, I know you're mad right now. Not mad , pissed off actually. I just wanted to say, that I do care for you and I do like you." He paused, "... But please give me a chance at us or whatever this is again and we'll see where life takes us. Call me when you get this.... Or not."
I grumbled why was he so complicated, I wanted out in this, but I was not about to loose. Yes, I did have feelings for him , but was it really worth all the tears and pain? My thoughts were interrupted when Josh's car honked at me. I got up my head hanging low and got in the car. Josh looked pissed off, oh yeah I had just woken him up.
"You better explain, considering you woke me at 2 in the morning." He said as I put on my seatbelt.
I told him everything , once in a while earning a scold from him.
"I'm not talking to you anymore." He said as we arrived home.
"Josh, don't be like that." I said placing my head in my hands.
He didn't answer and got out the car, heading straight for the door and unlocking it.
"You're just like Nick." I folded my arms.
His eyebrows rose up and he pointed a finger at himself.
"Yeah, you. he gives me silent treatments all the time."
He rolled his eyes and went to his room leaving me alone in the hallway. This had been such a long night.

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