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Nick pov:
I had totally forgotten about the date Brooke and I had and had nothing to wear. So I just sauntered around her house and went into the kitchen , grabbing an apple.
as I munched on the apple, Brooke came in with a sundress and her hair slightly curled. My jaw dropped because she looked hot as hell, and I was at lost for words. She smirked and leaned her elbows on the island. My eyes traveled south as I stared at her D cup breasts. Fuck my life, I missed being inside her, but I know she wouldn't let me after what happened.
"What the hell are you staring at?!" She asked, a slight smile playing on her lips.
"Nothing." I lied and proceeded to eat my apple.
Her brows furrowed, "Why aren't you changed?! Isn't today our date?" She said almost disappointed, but quickly hid it by rolling her eyes.
"Yes , yes it is but does it look like I brought anything with me?" I said cockily.
"You're so annoying!" She said as she pulled on my wrist to follow her.
She led me up to her brothers room and looked through his drawers. I sat on his bed and waited patiently, munching loud because I know it annoys her.
She pulled out a polo shirt and khaki shorts , that looked my size.
"Here, they're too big for him anyways." She said sticking her hand out to give the clothes to me.
Instead , I pretended I didn't hear her and continued eating my apple.
"Well?" She said looking annoyed.
God I love to mess with her. Once again I ignored and continued to eat. She snatched the apple as I was about to take another bite and threw it out the slightly opened window.
"That was my apple." I said blankly.
"Thanks for stating the obvious." She said as she threw the clothes on my lap and walked out the door.
"Don't take long , a girl should never wait." She said in the distance. I sighed and changed into the clothes. Surprisingly , they fit just perfectly. I scanned Josh's room for colon and found some on his desk. I sprayed myself and looked in the mirror, putting on a smirk. I messed my hair up a bit and walked down to the living room , where Brooke was sitting watching tv. I cleared my throat to get her attention and her eyes snapped to me looking me head to toe.
She gulped, "um... You look nice."
I smirked at her, "thanks for stating the obvious."
"That's my saying." She grumbled and pushed past me.
We got into my car and I began to drive, honestly not knowing where I was even going.
"Where are you even taking me." She questioned.
I turned up the radio , "you'll see."
She grumbled and crossed her arms in front of her chest.
The radio blared "Earned it" by the weekend and I sang softly to it.
"....cause girl you're worth it."
She smiled looking straight ahead.
"What?" I asked gripping the steering wheel.
"You sing really good." She smiled.
My cheeks turned red , "um thanks? I guess." I chuckled at her.
"youre cute when you sing." She said softly.
That surprised me , "oh so I'm cute?" I smirked
"See there you go again being the cocky arrogant person you are! Not cute anymore."
"So what would I have to do to be cute all the time?" I asked.
"I don't know, do cute stuff." She shrugged.
I reached over to lace my hand through hers, "like this?" I asked.
She quirked a brow, "sure whatever makes your boat float."

\\yeah so I'm going to wait for the next chapter to post about their date((:\\

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