Chapter 6: The Outside World

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It hit 2:30 am. I decided now would probably be the best time to ask about it. As I went to the main room I noticed error was in a storage room down the hall from my room.

I say was because an explosion happened in the room that shot error out of it leaving a small crack on the wall where he landed. Error however was perfectly fine.

Error: "Worth it." He said while getting up and dusting off his cloths.

Dream: "What happened?"

Error: "I decided to test how durable a new creation of the lab was and figured I'd yeet it into a room full of gunpowder and light it but I didn't walk fast enough."

Dream: "Oh... Um hey I have a question about the... Uhh..."

Error: "The uhh? Can't say iv heard of that."

Dream: "No I meant th-"

Error: "No I'm aware it's most likely about leaving to explore."

Dream: "Yes..."

Error: "Sure you can come with us."

Dream: "N-Nice. Who else is coming with?"

Error: "You sound nervous."

Dream: "A little."

Error: "To answer your question... Book, Red, Sci, Blue, Dream, and Farmer."

Dream: "Oh blue... I forgot to talk to him... Is he ok?"

Error: "Yes he's fine and appears fine."

Dream: "So he wasn't mutated (thank st-)"

Error: "I never said that."

Dream: "What?!"

Error: "His mutation is internal. And seems quite powerful. He has a long tongue, his fingers can turn to sharp claws, and he appears to be able to sense heat. There's something else but no one has seen nor identified it yet."

Dream: "Oh..."

Error: "You sound disappointed. You don't like your mutation?"

Dream: "I don't like being mutated. But I would have liked something where I could defend myself."

Error: "Oh you don't know what you can do."

Dream: "What?"

Error: "Lemme explain it like this. There's 5 placements your mutation can be and 50 it can be classified as. For placements it's. Useless, lesser, balanced, greater, and titan thou it's a small fight if it should be called titan or godly. Blues mutation is a balanced. Yours from what I see rn based on when I encountered someone like yours is balanced but stronger then blues mutation."

Dream: "R-Really?"

I probably sound a bit excited.

Error: "Yep and as a matter a fact 5 people here have your mutation so we could get you taught and trained into it but adventure first!"

Dream: "Ok!"

If I'm to train I should probably know my environments so I can train in the biome sphere most similar to the outside world.

Error: "Oh and you see those clear orbs on your hands?"

Dream: "You mean my strange orb with a question mark in it?"

Error: "How do you not know?"

Dream: "I do know about them."

Error: "And you know the 'question mark' changes shape and color based on thoughts and emotions right?"

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