Chapter 11: Are You Ok?

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Dreams POV:

I jumped a bit at the sudden commotion from behind me. I was sitting having lunch in the main area when a portal opened behind me.

This is either an attacker breaking in or an emergency and almost no one has seen it used for an emergency other then Fell who was one of the first people Error had met and he only saw it once.

The moment it appeared there was confusion swiftly followed by realization causing half to panic and the other half to get ready to fight who every stepped out of that portal.

Error was the first thru the portal followed by 7 other skeletons I did not recognize. One of the skeletons was unconscious and being carried 2 others were carrying a wounded human.

Dream: "C-Core?" I stutter out.

I noticed Error was giving quick orders as they came thru.

Error: "Take those 2 to the medbay in the 500 hallway. It should be room 501 first door on the left."

Once Error finished he left to the medbay as the others followed his orders and went to the 500 hallway having no one halt them since it was an emergency and shortly after Error came out with medical supplies rushing after them.

Iv seen them around but never got to talking with them since they were always busy in the lab though I assume there's a mine in the lab since one of them always came out covered in dust, Stone bits, and sometimes coal.

After 10 minutes everyone had mostly calmed down but were still visibly worried, most likely about the 2 wounded.

I decided I would go see them in the medbay at room 501 and left to check on them. Once I got there they were all chill but worried. One of them was in front of me before I could even blink.

???: "Need something?"

Dream: "Y-Yes, I wanted to know if they are going to be Ok. And I'm also curious as to who you are."

??? -> Blade: "I'm Blade. That's Stone, Lab, War, Sci, Wild, and the human over there is Core. I don't know the other skeletons name and both are fine just unconscious."

Error: "There name is Paperjam also known as PJ." Error announced.

I didn't even realize Error wasn't in the room til he spoke from behind me making me jump but not squeak for once.

Error: "This is Dream. He has been here a few weeks now. Y'all can chat I need to check their x-ray scans so we know what to give them."

He left after finishing and we were left alone and I felt very awkward so I took a seat before Stone spoke up.

Stone: "I'm Stone of MinerTale."

Wild: "Wild of WildTale."

Blade: "Blade of AssassinTale."

War: "Im War from UnderWar, we have met once."

Lab: "You have already met me and my brother Sci."

Stone had light grey bones and small yellow eye lights that could remind you of a distant lantern. We wore traditional miner cloths and had a pickaxe on his back that I sensed was a magic weapon. I remember his blasters were replaced with lanters that fire yellow light. Iv seen his au for a split second. He appears 25 years old.

Wild reminds me of a Trent. He had wood instead of bones and a full body instead of a skeletal structure. He has branches growing off of him and is sprouting leafs on his head and some of the branches which are more like twigs. He looks to be 37.

Blade looks like he's from Assassins creed. He has a white hood and a white cloak with dark pants. He has blade holsters on his hips and I barely caught a glimpse of a switch blade on his wrist. His height says he's 18 even thou his voice is real deep.

Lab is sci's papyrus. This au he is an adult and an assistant. He wears a lab coat with goggles above his eyes and a green T-shirt with blue pants. From what I remember he is 19.

War has royal guard armor on and a chain mail helmet. He has a sword holster at his left hip and armored leggings. He has a crest on his chest piece from when he was fighting for monster kind in his AU, looks around 32.

Core looked like any other frisk except she is a bit taller by 1 foot making her 6ft4. She has grey skin and grey shirt and pants. Her hair looks ruff. She has 7 wounds on her body from what I'm seeing and they all look like something impaled her. She looks 19 but I'm aware she is a few years younger then Error... Who's 562 last I checked.

Paperjam has black bones and a floating piece of something above them. They have a black and pink jacket and pants. They appear 21 to me and they have shock burns all over their body and cloths.

Dream: "What happened to them?"

Wild: "Well... Core here got caught in a roof avalanche in a house she was hiding in and got trapped in a pile of rubble impaled by some pipes. Paperjam got stuck in a BotTale power plant tangles in a TON of wires and we don't have the slightest clue how long she has been there."

Dream: "You poor things." I mutter.

Blade: "Cruel world unfortunately. But that doesn't mean we can't make it better."

Stone: "Hell yes."

Core: "mmm."

We all looked over to Core who was slowly regaining consciousness before a radio in the room crackled.

Radio: "Blade, Farmer, Blue, Dream, and Fell we are requesting your assistance at the bunker door."

It sounded like Error but it was a little to quiet to hear if it was urgent or not but I figured if there asking Blue Fell and Farmer it would be urgent so I quickly left to see what Error needs.

When I was climbing the stairs the others were behind me except farmer who was spider climbing up when something caught our attention.


It sounded like something big hitting metal and we all assumed it was the bunker entrance being attacked which rushed us a lot.

We all moved so fast we all hit each other at once when we got up there.


We all looked up to see Error and 2 scientist pointing guns at the bunker entrance.

When were introduced to the bunker we are also asked if when an attack or risk of an attacker occurs if we would like to help fend them off. It took me a few days to answer but I decided yes which is why I'm here.


Scientist 1: "We got cam footage sir!"

Error: "Show us who wants to say hello."

The cam became a hologram image meaning it was FutureTale technology. It showed...

Dream: "ITS INK!!!"


And the door... was open...

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