Chapter 8: Friends

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It time to meet some new people. I try to think about who I have already met and realize how different they look now

Fell looks as normal but has goat horns that is most likely the ramming sound I hear occasionally. He appears dusty at all times. Not monster dust, dirt dust, he said it fused with his bones. Large smudge on his head signify's that.

Sci also looks the same but has a strange glowing green crack on his left eye (sci's clock) that looks radioactive.

Blue cannot be any different but he's not as short as normal he seemed to have grown a foot along with fangs that can be confused with ecto body magic.

Book looks like classic except his eyes change whenever he blink switching between letters. He also has words on his hand and skull but I think he put them there with a pencil since it not only seems to change but it's also reminders.

Farmer is like me with an arm on his back but instead of slightly foggy spheres on his hands it's a flat circle that's vary foggy on his hands, the foggy look doesn't change the appearance of the symbols. He has a flower crown on his head and a leather book in his pocket about plants. His tail has a metallic look like mine does and is probably like mine in the sense t

I head to the main room and see Blue taking to Someone I don't recognize. I figure I could talk to Blue finally and get to know someone new.

Dream: "Hey Blue."

Blue: "Oh hey Dream."

Dream: "Iv been meaning to talk to ya for a while now. Also who's this?"

Dream: "This is Grape aka Swapfell papyrus."

He doesn't look anything like who iv met so far. His legs are replaced with talons like a hawks but his arms are that of an octopus and his mouth a spiders.

Grape: "So your the new guy."

Dream: "Y-Yes."

Grape: "Nervous? Don't be I won't bite."

I don't like he said bite. I'm not afraid of spiders but I am afraid of being bitten by one. I can hold em but if for whatever reason I feel a small pain near where the spider is I will loose my s*** worse then if someone were to hear fresh swear uncensored.

???: "Yo my dawg!"

Speaking of fre-

Dream: "EEP!"

Fresh: "Man you are a bat now. Sick bruh."

That's fresh? He looks like a purple starfish with 7 arms and he's got an eye on his mouth along with what looks like a soul behind it. He looks about 4ft by 4ft big. He's huge.

Fresh: "Oh yeah I almost forgot. Shrink me down to a starfish size that's what I looked like before the thing. Bro when rad and unrad broskis called me a parasite they weren't wrong my dude."

His 90s lingo isn't as strong and he said he was a parasite so that means that is a soul and it's strong doesn't seem to be able to die by his draining.

Dream: "That's why I always sensed magic drain on you."

Fresh: "Yep. Hard to believe I'm errors brother huh?"

Dream: "WHAT?!?"

Fresh: "You probably don't know but he has 7 long tentacle like tongues. That my dude is his parasite feeding from his mouth but unlike me he infected himself with a soulless body and found a semi immortal soul in it. A few years later and he's basically a person in a shell unlike me thou he can feel emotions without needing a new soul."

How's that for a head cannon.

Dream: "W-Wow."

Fresh: "The 1st Geno copy is also our bro but not biological. Hey have any of you dudes seen epic? I need to deliver him this." He said holding up a rubber chicken.

Grape: "Last I saw he went to the ocean bio sphere."

Fresh: "Thanks bruh."

Dream: "Wait if Errors a parasite how is his soul still in his chest?"

Fresh: "Im a parasite that attacks the soul thru the eye Error is one that attacks the mind thru the mouth but his last host before his current one had invisibility once he left he also took that magic with him which he uses to hide his tentacle around the soul since he's way bigger then I am. It's also why no matter who he kills he doesn't get their magic like dust does, it only strengthens his own."

Makes a lot of sense now.

Fresh: "I guess final thing I should say is if a new host has the same or close t same power as the previous host the power won't add on to our own. And also Error has hypnotic eyes on his parasite but he can't use them if he's still attached to a host or their soul, exception is if he's draining power outside of his host."

Dream: "He sounds vary powerful as a parasite."

Fresh: "He is indeed my dude. I think he stays in a host so people would be more bothered by him as a destroyer instead of both us as parasites"

Dream: "It's a lot to take in yet it makes so much sense somehow. I wonder how dangerous he would be with his strings and blasters."

Fresh: "Nope he can't use that magic until he gets a host. It's like a tv it will look nice and might be able to do some things but plugged in it can do more as long as it's plugged in. He can't use blasters, bones, strings or blue magic without a host."

Dream: "Oh. So his a host or parasite form better."

Fresh: "Dog not even god knows that let alone me or Error. I should get to Epic, have a fresh day dudes."

I might make a book on Parasite Error

Smoothish transition to next scene
As I walk to the library to learn about book I saw Error "walk" by me with a bunch of books and papers giggling to himself.

Dream: "Watchya doing Error!?"

Error: "Commiting treason!"


Error: "April fools is tomorrow and I have a chaotic plan!"

I need to prepare.

Dream: "Book!" I yell as I slam my hands on his desk causing him to wake up.

Book: "Wha-"

Dream: "I need your help."

Book: "Wha-

Dream: "I need a whoopee cushion, a hand buzzer, and a bucket of turkey oil."

Book: "Ok- why turkey oil?"

Dream: "Why not?"

Book: "Turkey oil is such a strange thing though."

Dream: "Exactly."

Book: "I know why ya need these and yes I know where you can get some."

Dream: "Perfect. Also does anyone here have problems if one of these items is used on them?"

Book: "Blue has a weakness to electricity, grape is allergic to turkey oil before and after mutation. Try door number 754 should be the Isle to the right of your hallway when you walk into the area."

Dream: "K thanks."

1153 words
Yes editors notes along with this part are not included in the word calculation. Next chapter will be a fun April fools thing the one after is all going to be Errors POV I hope ya have enjoyed this so far and stay tuned for the next part of dragon ba- er next part of ToxicVerse

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