Chapter 29: The Real Final Battle

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Also this chapter is about twice as long as the others cus this is the big chapter.

Dreams POV:

I check around but cant figure out where the sound is coming from. I can tell Ink and the others hear it cus there all looking around as well.

What is tha-

My thoughts were abruptly interrupted when I got a solid punch to the face.


Ink punched me hard and sent me flying, in the process he somehow snatched the container out of my pocket.


The sound was real loud now. It didn't take us long to figure out it was coming from Errors body.

Inks POV:

What is that? Is Error making that sound?

I peek down at Error, he lies sprawled on the ground, blood coming out of his skull from when I shot him not too long ago.

But something seemed odd, his mouth was wide open? Wait did something just move in there!?!

I take a closer look. I see something moving in there. A mouse? No it wouldn't be here at this time nor would it crawl into someones mouth. What is that.

Looking even closer I see the thing halt, an eye appeared staring at me.

What in the- wait... thats Errors eye...


I didn't get a second to react.

Almost instantly this... Thing hopped out of Errors mouth, or rather his hosts mouth. He was a parasite. His body mostly made of long tentacles for arms, mouths and eyes are scattered throughout the thing. And it grabbed onto me with about 7 arms, stopping me from moving my own.

It made attempts to bash my head in with its remaining 4 arms until I managed a shockwave that threw it off. Accidentally throwing it at FellSwap, who made it very clear very quickly he didn't want to deal with it either.

Unfortunately for us I wasn't aware this parasite species Error was had ability's. His eyes all at once got a strange swirl in them, along with all the sans that were looking at him except for the few that were far away. In an instant he broke open FellSwaps mouth and crawled in.

His body started glitching out until his body was black bones, but no strings appeared, nor did his eyes change as Error was merely infecting him as a Host he has power over not a host he resides in, he still held most of his own body out of FellSwaps body to presumably maintain his mind control which left a little less then half my men to his side. And he got some of the stronger ones as well.

This went beyond what I wanted and this is gravely out of control now. Looking down I noticed the body Error used to host was slowly reforming.

Thats how we never noticed, this is a semi immortal body with a semi immortal soul, he left for it to heal, and looking at it now this is an incomplete character, it has a body and a soul but no life or personality.


A flying blade barely missed me as it whizzed passed me, it would seem Error isn't done with me. And now I have a big issue to deal with.

Dreams POV:

So that happened...

When Fresh told me he was a parasite and a powerful one I cant say i expected that type of powerful, also he appears to be making rocks float.

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