Epilogue: The End Of Our Intro

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Welcome one and not all as some can't access this for some reason.

Errors POV:

Ow, everything hurts...

I open my eyes to see light, alot of light.

Error: "Thats alot of white, am I dead or was my antivoid restored. Oh no never mind its clearing up."

I cleared up and I saw what looked to be the inside of Docs medbay room. I sat up and 3 things caught my attention immediately, my daughter, a happy Dream, and a grumpy Doc.

PJ: "Ah, you."

Please tell me she is doing it.

PJ: "Your finally awake, you were trying to cross the border."

She did, am proud...er.

Error: "Got caught in that imperial ambush with that thief over there." I said pointing to Dream.

Dream: "Hey!"

Error: "Hehe."

Doc: *sigh* "Yall really like to give me a head ache."

Error: "My job."

A voice spoke up in which I didn't notice before. Stone sat in the corner of the room.

Stone: "Like ya job to tell us of secret rooms."

Error: "I thought I told you of the one in your room."

Stone: "What about the one in storage?"


Error: "what."

Miner: "Yeah, someone went in and grabbed something important for the sci- ACK"

I cut Miner off when I jumped at him and grabbed him by the neck and held him close to my face.

Error: "who went in."

PJ: "Woah Error calm down, its not that ba-"

Error: "Its VERY bad cus thats my bedroom and also the room I hid blueprints to an atomic bomb in, if Inks henchmen get a hold of that do you have any idea what will happen to us?!"

A moment of silence passed...



"w-what.." Dream finally stuttered out.

Error: "Was it a blue paper."

Miner: "I-I y-yes."


Error: "Lock down the bunker, no one enters or leaves idc how well I might know them lock it down."

Doc: "Doc of medic tale whateverspeaking lockdown the bunker NOW. Direct orders from Error."

???: "Sir I don't think you have that clea-"

Error: "F***CKING DO IT!"

Doc: "One of Inks henchmen have acquired a super weapon, that could destroy the bunker, no one enters or exits the bunker regardless of looks we'll give security ID of the highest level when its over, grab and arrest anyone with a large blue paper they have the blueprints too it."

PJ: "Wha- Why do you have atomic bomb blueprints!?"

Error: "I found it last week and was deciding what to, was heavily leaning on burning it but I also was considering keeping it so if what ever reason in the future someone tried to make one they wouldn't destroy half the world cus of a failed launch attempt, and I was considering giving it to another clan."

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