Chapter 12: The Attacker

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Still Dreams POV:

As dust began to clear from the area I saw a figure whom I couldn't make out but didn't have too to know who it was.

Why is he here. What does he want? Has he come to invade? Take me back? Did he cause Paperjams trapping? Or did he come for Error?

Questions invaded my head faster then light could move, and before I could react Error had appeared in front of me with his revolver.


He fully unloaded his gun missing a single shot from the recoil and ink ducking down at the same time. I'm not sure what that thing is loaded with but all 4 hits made golf ball sized holes in him.

Ink visibly didn't expect that and by his reaction didn't know that. This is his first attack here and he did not know Error would run his sh** that fast and that hard.

But Ink regenerated from it in 10 seconds, which I didn't know he could do. He never tells anyone about his powers. I was his closest friend and he still didn't tell me, I don't know half of what he can do.

As Ink began to get up Error was already nearly finished with a second round of bullets loaded. Ink slapped Error with a powerful force and it took us all a second to realize his arm stretched out that long to hit him.

Blue dashed twords Ink whilst Fell readied a green orb like the froggits but bigger which I now know is called a Toxorb (Tox-Orb) that uses radioactive magic which at this point who doesn't have it.

I prepped my claws to slash at Ink with Farmer but we're cut off when a rock flew at Fell with Mach-10 speed hitting the orb he was making and causing it to explode, flash banging everyone but Blade who had shielded his eyes in time.

Now Blade began his assault, then, moving faster then the blink of an eye, he was next to Ink with blades unsheathed and slicing at him, but Ink was regenerating from it, still unable to keep up with blade.

After 7 seconds of this Ink's body glowed green for a second before he released a shockwave like attack of radioactive energy. But because of how close Blade was he was knocked back really hard into the bunker door knocking him unconscious right next to Blue who got burrowed under the floor leaving only his head exposed.

My turn. Me and Farmer rushed up to Ink and traded attacks. I slash them back off readying an attack while Farmer slashed who then backed off whilst I slashed. This went on for a bit until I slapped Ink with my tail. Ink clearly could counter us but if we don't give him time to think or react he can't do much.

Farmer caught on to my idea and went to where I fling Ink then hit him with his own tail and we did this back and forth until Farmer threw Ink straight up. I was confused why until I saw who he was looking at.


Error had finally recovered and with Ink airborne he not only couldn't dodge but it allowed Error to hit his every shot, with 4 shots taking out Inks arms and legs and the final shot nailed ink in the skull.

As he landed making dust we went up to him.

Error: "Wait." He ordered and backed off slightly.

Error: "Him landing wouldn't make enough dust for us to not see him." He said while readying his gun.

We all realized he was right. There was enough dust to confuse for a smoke grenade, which landing would never stir up that much dust. Fell summoned his wings and started flapping them, blowing away the dust.

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