Holiday Special (ThanksGiving)

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3rd person POV:

Error: "COME HERE!"

"Gobble gobble gobble!"

You watch as Error chased a turkey with 2 heads and 4 feet, its impressively fast and annoyingly agile, watching makes you question if said turkey has been taught by a professional how to parcore

Eventually it runs into a cave, Error quickly follows behind, but stops and looks up...

Error: "Ah sh**."

Time skip here.

Dreams POV:

Dream: "Wheres Error?"

Chef: "He said he was off getting holiday food."

A portal opens between us as Error walks in slouched covered in feathers, scratch, and peck marks.

Dream: "What the hell happened to you?"

Error: "Glorified bird."

Chef: "What type of bird would manage to do that to you?"

Error: "The kind you want to eat but can't shoot cus the bullet wont come out until someones teeth hits it."

Dream: "I'm sorry how big of a bird we talking?"

Error: "Well the one I was chasing looked about 4 ft tall and 3.5 ft wide, but the other one I Just found looked about the size of Blades cheese collection."

Chef: "That big one will feed everyone!"

Error: "Yes hence why I was hunting it. So I need a team to help me hunt the bird."

Dream: "Wait... The 'turkey' isn't a monster right?"

Error: "There are no traces of monster or magical energy in either of them so nah."

Chef: "You sure it'll be safe to eat?"

Error: "If the species wasn't safe to eat we wouldn't be talking cus I'd be dead."

Chef: "Oh..."


We began walking up to the cave entrance, deep in an autumn like forest of maple tree's and rocks that have a gem shine to them...

By 'we' I mean Me, Error, Blade, Farmer, Violet, Chef, Toxic, and Core came to try and give its soul peace so it can move on since Reaper is lord knows where...

And Toxic was told its as big as Blades cheese collection and joined to get confirmation.

Error is still refusing to take much seriously.

Error: "You know what my favorite part of thanksgiving is?"

Chef: "Wha-

Error: "The apple cider, lemme tell ya I drank so much of it last year I almost threw up."

Dream: "pfft."

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