Chapter 25: Inavsion Pt3

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Wait were did we leave off? It's been like a month lol. Oh I remember now, Bruh moment got captured.

Sorry bout the long wait (why is long auto correcting to ping and king?) but it's finally here I think... yeah it's here probably.

3rd party POV: (aka us)


The winds blow cold and hot with snow and radioactivity, the only sound that could be heard was the winds blowing and the tension in the air that's so thick a butter knife couldn't cut it.

Standing at the bunker entrance was a small group. Error, Dream, Blue, Grape, Farmer, and barely visible hiding behind them due to a mutation weakness to cold is Fresh.

Standing in the snowy cold that is a literal nuclear winter is a captured Epic, the evil leader Ink, and 23 of Ink's henchmen waiting for the word to attack.

The tension can't seem to get any bigger until Error shot the ground with his portal gun pulling out one of the captured henchmen of Inks.

Now it was a hostage negation (we all know how bad those are and go) and Error was the first to speak.

Error: "You hand us our Epic and we hand you your Disbelief outer papyrus."

Ink: "How about I take him and kill all of you."

Error: "How bout I execute him and 4 others, you recall my quick shooting from our last encounter right? Or did you forget again?"

Ink: "And who said we didn't plan for that?"

Error: "Me."

The air felt so tense I'm pretty sure if we were human our bones would have been crushed from how heavy it is, so much good and bad can happen here it's like an infinity sided dice.

Dreams POV:

Dear stars what should I do? What can I do? Epic is being held by ink who's arm is a scythe against his throat, reminds me of that villain from the first venom movie... AGH NOWS NOT THE TIME.

I'm over stressing myself here... what are the others thinking... what is ERROR thinking? Bringing his own hostage like that? And why is Fresh hiding? And why did Ink bring almost everyone?

The place last I checked had 38 people in it. We fought like 5 inside and there's 23 plus ink here... minus me... makes 9 left over right?

Why did he bring so much here? Was he hoping to over power us with ease or something. Did he get a lot more people then last time? I didn't participate in any of the resource hunts he did.

Error: "Hey Ink."

Ink: "What?"

Error: "You know who Betsy is?"


Epic: "Uh oh."

Ink brought his scythe arm closer to epic.

Ink: "Don't try anything."

Error: "Cmon it's just a simple question."

I don't know what's about to happen and I don't think I will like it. What's he doing. Why is he doing it.

I was so caught up in this I didn't notice Apples come up behind me.

Apples: "Dream who is he talking about?"

I thought for a moment.

Dream: "I don't know..."

The tension rose slightly when Fresh starting making a strange noise to the downstairs.

He's calling Betsy isn't he.

We wait a bit before hearing a slight roar...

Ink: "What did you do?!"

Error: "Nothing."

Ink moved the scythe about to cut off epics head... But moved it to the side early...


What the hell...

Oh my stars....

Errors POV:

Ah she's here.

The ground trembles causing Inks arm to move away from Epic. As a strange shadow crack appears on the floor.

There she is.

Out of the portal like crack flew Betsy, the dragon like mutant Dream had seen day one.

And the daughter of this lands king of the sky's.

Error: "Welp this has devolved to chaos."

I prefer evolved.

Error: "Might as well make some more." He said before pulling out his trusty revolver and knocking disbelief outer paps out.

He charged right after Ink with farmer having quick thinking followed behind him as everyone else still tried to comprehend what was happening.

Error jumped up and fired one shot at Ink who almost didn't turn in time to see Error running at him, barely dodging and is most likely going to think about the fact he dodged a literal bullet.

But Error was aware the best way to do boss fights is to take out the minions so you don't have to worry about extra damage and multiple things to avoid, he fired his remaining 4 shots at the minions of Ink.

3rd party POV: (aka us)

The first bullet he shot broke everyone's trance and the war began, the first person (an Undyne) who tried to attack Betsy from ranged was denied by a war ready Farmer sans.

Meanwhile with said Betsy, she was fending off 10 sans, it's a 10v1 but with the fact Betsy is daughter of the most powerful mutant in the Multiverse at the moment it was more like a 10v20, her toxic flames spread like crazy and melt off a lot of the snow leaving a few puddles of water that quickly left due to sand.

Dream finally broke his trance and jumped out and stretched out his tail not to kill but to knock down a bunch of the henchmen. However one grabbed Dreams tail stopping him almost immediately before using Dreams own tail to throw him over his shoulders.

Making an attempt to attack Dream he ran foreword but got denied from light green with purple spots string, Grape was showing his spider mutation power finally, using the web he just threw on the brute of a creature, which was identified as an asgore thru his crown, he threw him behind him into the bunker wall.

Meanwhile the disbelief outer paps woke up and was immediately thrown on the ground by a Blue Berry who seemed a little too excited for this fight, getting up he summoned an ice spice from his hand and tried to throw it at him, but got interrupted by Fell who rammed him using his demon horns.

By now most of the bunkers security came out of the bunker to join the fight plus some more, whilst Error fended off Ink but not as well as he could, something was distracting him, he's almost certain he's forgetting something...

Unfortunately for him he found out what it was dangerously quick. And all it took was a bright light. A flash.

A warning.

A threat.

A Titan mutation...

1058 words

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