Chapter 20: Nuclear Winter P2

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??¿'s POV:

So cold...

So much snow...

Why is there no shelter...

Why does this happen to me...

What is that?

A door?

I start banging on the door hysterically.

??¿: "LET ME IN!... PLEASE!...

I bang on the door furiously praying it to open... not noticing the camera watching me from a corner...

PaperJams POV:

This is nice, a very calm place to hang out with Apples. Thou I wonder how much Error actually knows about me since he knew I would want to hang with Apples, did he know? I can't tell anymore.

Apples: "Your dad is pretty cool ya know."

PJ: "Is he now?" I simply replied.

Apples: "Yes, not only has he built all of this but he's also promising to remove the mutations and help fix the world."

PJ: "He is?"

It's probably scuffed.

Apples: "Did you not hear? They changed one of the whimsicals back from a lesser mutation, extremely small mutation but they are doing it."

Dear god he might actually be a hero.

PJ: "Wait so there's a chance for things to go back to normal?"

Apples: "Error says the fusion of all the aus and the sever mutation of magic might be irreversible but everyone can go back to normal except Error."

PJ: "Why not Error?"

Apples: "Well he no longer needs to destroy."


PJ: "What do you mean by needs? Isn't it want?"

Apples: "Oh do you not know?"


PJ: "Know what?"

Errors POV:

Watching cameras has always been an oddly satisfying thing for me. Perhaps Iv read to many night guard horror story's and I'm starting to silently hope it happens to me but meh.

Actually that one ice mutation exists so I might get that no- eh what's that?

*a dark figure approaches the camera appearing to be 4'2" in size*

Who's that? There slouched slightly... a human? Or humanoid? There's nothing suggesting skeleton or big mutation so it's most likely looking for shelter...

As the figure approaches they become more visible until.

Dear god it's a chara and I see way to much frostbite. There banging on the door begging to be let in... which door is that? The front. Alright let's go.

As I fall off the chair and face plant I bounce right back onto my feet and sprint off twords the stairs until.

PJ: "Dad?"

Error: "Yellow?"

PJ: "Listen I... want to talk to you?"

Error: "How emergency is it?"

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