Holiday Special (halloween)

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Spooks n Skits... ok just spooks.

? POV:

Kicking open a door I look around, theres 2 box's, I rip one open with my hand, books, I'v seen all of them in the librarby. I open the second one.


*cue camera over looking dream looking into a box of Halloween decoration*

*cue intro appearing saying "Toxicverse Halloween special."*

No specific time label here, it just happened.

Dream POV:

Dream: "Hey, lemme in iv got valuables." I said holding my box of goodies up to the cam.

Camera just nods and the door unlocks. Iv come to find out my bones have become basically Minecraft bedrock and don't break seemingly ever, so I can just jump down the stairs carelessly, I try not to think about if id rather my old self or this mutation form.

Bouncing down the stairs and landing then failing to land then getting up then falling cus dizziness from my head cus its not use to doing what's basically a superhero landing.

I get up and walk up to stage, wrighting my name on the box proudly cus I found spooky skeletons and hanging bats.

Maybe I'm relying too much on classic decoration points.

I notice the kitchen smoking, can't tell if its flower or fire smoke anymore.

Core: "Heya."

Dream: "Oh hey! What brings you to the main attraction?"

PJ: "We were actually looking for my father, you know where he is?"

Dream: "Well-


We look over to the lab where an explosion occurred, out walked Lab, Sci, and Classic, Error following behind then barreting them for their foolishness.

Dream: "I have a hunch." I replied.

PaperJam and Core speed walk over to Error, probably to check on him then ask what ever it is they need.

PaperJam POV:

What the funk happe-


What the hell happened.

PJ: "You guys ok?"

Error: "Yes, no thanks to SOME PEOPLE!"

Sci+Lab: "Sorry..." they said guiltily.

Error: "I should give myself a raise..."

Core: "Error we hab a quick question."


He went on humming in thought for a little over a minute.

Error: "Sure."

PJ: "Are we celebrating Halloween?"

Error: "Yes."

Core: "Will there be candy!" Core asked with basically stars in her eyes.

Error: "Mayhaps."

Core: "Pleeeeeeeaaaaase." She asked with puppy eyes.

Error: "What do you think those morons are doin?" He said pointing somewhere.

I cant see but I can tell Chef is yelling at someone in the kitchen, I can also tell that someone in there is tryna eat whatever they are making.

Core: "Yeeeeeeeee!"

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