Chapter 19: Nuclear Winter P1

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I have good news and bad news, good news we have an event bad news it wasn't me and I'm not sure if it was natural or not.

Errors POV:



Something isn't right...

I flop out of bed then slowly roll over to my alarm only to tug the cord causing it to land on my head.


I check it:

53* Fahrenheit. 97 rads.

Oh ok-

Error: "WAIT 50!!!"

F*** F*** F*** F*** F*** F*** F*** F*** F***

I check thru my sky spy telescope that's more like camera at this point. I see white and green flakes falling.

Oh no...

I don't think I have ever ran so fast to that button in my life. I think I broke it I slapped it so hard, but it still worked.

Alarms sounds in distance.

Apologies but Iv been thru this hell before I ain't making the same mistake as last time.

Dreams POV:


Rise and shine glorified sun archer

Ow my ears...

Dream: "WAIT ALARM!!!"

I rush out of bed so fast I accidentally took my bed with me and running into my door with a blanket on my face. I take off blanket ignoring the one stuck to my tail and sprint to the main area.

As expected it's a big panic. Those who arn't loosing there sh** are trying to calm those who are with Core stuck to a wall so someone doesn't run into her. It's literal hell right now and I can't see anyone I know besides Core and Fell who is flying and even then is struggling to stay in one place.


A megaphone goes off with Errors voice, lo and behold it is Error and everyone is slowing down a lot.

Error: "OK THATS ON ME FOr- god this thing is useless, YEET."

Error threw the megaphone behind him turning back around with a microphone, the one he used to announce me when I first came.

Error: "Alright, also Dream sorry for the bad memories."

Dream: "What do you mean?"

Error: "As I was saying this is on me for not telling you what that alarm means. Basically that means lock down level 1 which basically means something bad is occurring outside, right now it's just some nuclear winter snow so-"

That caused some panic... Ok it caused a lot of panic.

Error: "Hey Hey chill out gu- chill is a bad word for this, ok calm down we are fine Iv been through this before and I prepared for this we're not going to die unless something goes terribly wrong."

What's going on?

Something went terribly wrong.

Oh god oh NOO-

Dream: "Ah!"

What an awful thing to imagine.

Error: "We have heaters and enough food we are fine thou someone with a cold immunity will have to exit so they can keep ice off our outside cams in case someone finds this place during the storm."

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