Chapter 27: Taking The Titan Down?

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???'s POV:

Toxic came up with a box full of gunpowder. He immediately threw it at the creature Error seems to fear, it was quickly shot by Fell who was trying not to get hit by 4 spotlight eyes watching him while shooting fire balls and bursts of fire.

An explosion went off causing its shock factor again, this time they got all of the spot lights destroyed except the one that resembled its face.

Error: "We actually beat it before it could do its stupid shock wave move that deletes life."

They took it down before it could do its real damaging move huh.

Core: "OMG they did it! Can you believe it!?"

PaperJam: "I mean... kinda." I replied.

PaperJam: "It is my dad we are talking about here, he's seen and fought it all."

I stare at the screen in amazement, we are only able to see this cus the camera outside didn't break yet.

Error: "Alright what's our next hell we have to fight."


Dream: "What?"

The creature Error doesn't refer to as a living thing and more of thing and it began to start pulsing blue and purple.

Error: "Titan or god mutations if your a believer in gods are not like other mutations, they are the definition of Boss Fight, we just beat what some of the players refer to as phase 1 now we have to do phase 2 and maybe 3."

In a split second a bright light went off, when it cleared all of the spots where the spot lights were was either gone or replaced by a cracked wall, I assume that's where your supposed to attack it now. The crack glowed rainbow-ish colors but the crack its self was white oor we to the sight.

Before they could even move they were grabbed by some cables that detached from it that threw them behind it, before they could get up the mist reappeared and it teleported in the middle of everyone, the fight resumes.

Dreams POV:

Error: "Chances are those crack are our next target."

He fired 4 shots but couldn't see that they bounced off. It took Fell's toxorb for us to realize it's not working. But it took Blue for us to find out it's reflecting ranged attacks.

After that we all started a mix of distracting it and throwing others on it to attack it. It didn't seem like the cracks could be destroyed but they were a challenge to do as the wires it had on it kept grabbing and throwing us, they also liked to shock... a lot...

There was a lot of close calls especially when it suddenly jumped and did a mini shockwave on the floor, of course it couldn't have been it's only shockwave, we all ran to it at once but didn't notice shards appear around it in a circle formation, when we did we tried to run out but we're too late.

Almost too late, as then a bright beam blasted out like an actual shockwave, based on what we saw with the disbelief outer paps it instantly disintegrates things. I guess that's the first actual death Iv seen since The Blast.

It's not like I haven't seen a death, I'm responsible for a few murders myself, most were very bad people, one 'innocent'. If you could call that villager that. Shame nightmare didn't nor could know.

Once that shockwave ended we returned to trying to defeat it. Since I don't know if this thing could even die. But i guess we were going to find out sooner or later, I guess.

Eventually we came across a big issue, it was slowly getting more cables, and Betsy was off getting gunpowder from a very far away place, or thats what I think since shes been gone for a bit.

Eventually it was just getting near impossible to get close, the cables seemed everywhere, grabbing at chunks of building and throwing it at us, as well as grabbing and throwing us. He kept building up shock charges to create balls of electricity to throw at us, and even charging to the point it fired a thunder bolt at near instant speed.

But now that it had so much cables its attacks were constant, and making it hard to get to it. It was seeming to get impossible to fight, until I heard its fog horn of a call again, and I looked up at it and noticed strange rings inside of its face, which was slowly morphing into a open oval.

Dream: "LOOK OUT!" I yelled.

Once i grabbed onto the bones everyone else realized what was about to happen and held on for dear life as well. It began the vacuum of air attempting to eat us, near the end of it i heard a...

???: "Well sh**."

I looked over to see Error flying in the air from accidentally letting go, the vacuum stopped just in time for him to be in front of it face to face, staring down the menace that was this titan mutation.

The beast launched cables at Error making an attempt to grab him, and since Error was in the air he had no way to dodge.

Dream: "ERROR!" I yelled.

Error: "Fun fact, the electricity only works at the end of the cables." He said grabbing the first cable to fly at him.

The cable shocked but had no effect, he was right! He didn't hold it at the end but rather further down.

Error: "Because of that I can do one of those epic movements that are always over exaggerated like in the movies." He replied with a slight smirk.

Now all the cables flew at him and he easily dodged and grabbed them, the cable he was holding onto let him move easily in the air, and when a cable he was holding onto began to try and fling him off he'd jump to another cable, eventually he had 2 handfuls of cables and in a few seconds managed to tie them all together and jump off.

He began to somehow wall run on the beasts body while the 10 cables that remained tried to grab him, still dodging them easily without a sweat. Eventually he just jumped off and began diving towards a crack on its foot, pulled out a knife and did that mid air spin to give the knife momentum as he landed a powerful stab to the leg.

Without a moment to waste he jumped forward allowing the cables at high shock to miss him and badly damage itself.

Epic: "BRUH! That was so epic dude!"

Error: "Epic indeed Epic."

Dream: "How did you do that?"

Error: "Define 'that' cus i did a bit ther-"


Error: "Anyone else hear a Godzilla roar?"

We all looked over to the Titan of a creature and watched as the cracks on its body grew, then cracks started appearing all around the body until it shattered.

All that remained was its head, and a large ball of bright white with a barely visible outline.

Error: "Huh, so phase 3 huh? Seems all the armor is off so I doubt it can deflect ranged still. Welp here we go."

1209 words
The end draws near...

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