Chapter 21: Nuclear Winter P3

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Flamingo's POV:

Flamingo: "Im scared." I admitted.

Error: "Why?"

Flamingo: "I'm a chara why wouldn't they hate me?"

Error: "Cus I told em the truth."

Flamingo: "I don't know I'm just worried I won't be accepted."

Error: "You'll be fine I promise."

Flamingo: "No I won't."

Error: "You sound exactly like a frisk when they are told to do genocide."

Flamingo: "Hey!"

Error: "What it's true."

He's a little bit right there but I'm still scared nonetheless.

Error: "You ok?"

Flamingo: "No." I honestly nod my head.

After a few deep breaths I figured I would be ready.

Flamingo: "Ok...I'm r-ready I think." I said nervously.

Error opened the door to the main room with the built in cafeteria. It's not that filled since most of them are in the other main area Error told me about.

Error: "Alright ima introduce you and then I need to chat with PJ since I got interrupt- er she got interrupted when talking to me about something probably important."

Error walked up to a little rise in the floor made of wood, it didn't look polished compared the rest of the place so it's probably temporary. After he got on he pulled out some sort of mic and-

Error: "Hello? Testing, testing." Error said from the rise and some speakers I can't see.

Flamingo: "Arnt you going to do it slowly and quietly?"

Dream: "First time?"

Flamingo: "What?"

Dream: "He did this to me too so I'm guessing his next thing is..."

Error: "A new fella joins us it's flamingo of garden tale who is an unmutated chara. Why don't ya say something for the crowd."

Flamingo: "I-I um uhhhhh." I stutter out.

Error: "Really? You did the same thing as bat boi over there."

Dream: "Hey!"

Error: "Welp that's pretty much it."

Flamingo: "O-Oh god..."

Dream: "Why are you nervous?"

Flamingo: "W-What?"

Dream: "I used to be part of Inks group that's plenty worse then what we used to think a chara was."

Epic: "BRUH!"

Dream: "EEP!"

Epic: "Now you know why we call him bat boi."

Dream: "EPIC you son of a-"

Epic: "ByeBruhSeeYouLater." Epic spoke quickly before fleeing.

Dream: "GET BACK HERE." Dream yelled following close behind.

I check the paper Error gave me. I try to find a clock but couldn't... I need my glasses. I walk around before finding a sans that seemed normal.

Flamingo: "H-Hello?"

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