Dark Nights.

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Chapter Twelve

For a whole week, I tried to erase almost kissing Harry out of my mind

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For a whole week, I tried to erase almost kissing Harry out of my mind. It wasn't easy because I was scheduled to work with him most of the week for training. Anytime we sparred, and we had either of each other pinned to the mat, my eyes would dark to his tantalizing pink lips. Or when we had archery practice, and he had to help me with my form and would get really close to me where I could feel his breath on my neck made my bones jump.

I've come to the conclusion that Harry was right. I needed a release, and me doing it for myself isn't cutting it anymore. However, I'm not going to have sex with Harry. I think this pull towards Harry, which I usually wouldn't have with assholes like him, is because he's the only guy here that pushes my buttons. I don't want soft and loving sex right now. I want it rough. I want to let out all this anger built up inside of me.

Now, I just need to find a handsome stranger who will push my buttons and give me what I want. Because I'll be damned if Harry is my only option, when I went to the bar with Jules and Heather tonight, I talked to every asshole I could to see if we could banter with each other and drive one another to the point we couldn't hold our sexual tension and do it in the bathroom. However, that plan failed. They all were just jerks who lacked personality and couldn't hold up in conversation.

So, I went home sexually frustrated and hoped that I could sleep it off.

During the middle of the night, I heard yelling and jolted up in bed. Is there an intruder? I hear another yell, and it's coming from Harry's room. Is he alright? I have to help him regardless. I grab my Sai from under my bed and rush over to Harry's room. Opening the door, I scanned the room for any potential break-in, but it was the same as always. Harry yells again, and I notice he's thrashing around in his sleep.

Oh, he's having a nightmare.

I drop my weapons and climb on his bed, shaking him awake. "Harry, wake up!" I repeat multiple times until his body jolts up. His skin was clammy and covered in sweat. His long hair stuck to his neck and soaked too.

"Amira?" He croaks, and his eyes look soft and glossed over.

"Yeah, it's me. You had a nightmare, are you alright?" I say and don't get a response. Harry pulls me towards him wrapping his arms around me in an embrace. His hands are traveling across my back and shoulders, squeezing gently almost to ensure that I'm real or he isn't dreaming.

"I'll be alright. I get them a lot," he finally says, pulling away.

"You were yelling. Do you normally do that?"

"No, just when they're really bad."

"What are they about?"

"My past." His curt response tells me that's all the information I'm getting from him tonight. I get up from his bed, getting ready to go back to my room since I know he isn't being brutally attacked as I thought.

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