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Chapter Two

Waking up at the crack of dawn, I rub my eyes and grab my black biker shorts and a long sleeve cropped top made of spandex. Changing quickly, then brushing my hair into a low bun. Slipping on my black athletic shoes, I huff before leaving my room. I first stop in the kitchen to get my bottle of celery juice I made last night while talking to Zayn. It was probably best that I had forgotten since he would've been asleep when I landed anyway.

My body is starting to feel a major jet lag, so I'm hoping this juice will give me the boost I need for my training session. After I finish it all, I head to the gym. I only took a peek inside yesterday but now really looking at it. This is definitely the biggest room in the house. The left has a boxing ring and on the wall beside it is a rock climbing section. The center filled with black mats is the sparring area. Equipment and weights are on the far right, along with a punching bag, which Harry is using.

His fist quickly hit the bag, and he has a nice balance of force and speed. He starts to throw some kicks in too. His arms flex, and muscles protrude out. Heavy breaths escape his mouth as sweat drips down his face. Harry's torso is exposed, too, showing his toned body. His abs swelter with sweat while his gym shorts hang rather low. My throat gets a little dry as I watch him in the zone.

 My throat gets a little dry as I watch him in the zone

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"Take a picture. It'll last longer," he snaps, taking one last blow to the bag.

"Sorry, you just are really good at keeping control of your body. Most people I've seen can't do it." Including myself.

"Well, I'm not like most people," he mutters.

"What are you even doing here? Just going to stare at me all day."

What's his deal? Why is he so arrogant?

"I'm here to train with Samara," I ignore his last comment. I have a feeling he is going to get on my nerves.

"Oh, you're early, and I see you've met Harry." Samara and Jules walk in.

"Sadly," I mumble.

"I heard that bitch!"

"Who you calling bitch, stupid ass motherfucker!"

"Hey, stop that! Harry, go take a shower and cool down."

"No, I much rather see what the newbie can do," he smirks. Rolling my eyes, I turn around and look at Jules. She's dressed in leggings and a sports bra. Her hair is tied back in a ponytail.

"Amira, I want to observe your skills. Jax told me, you know, karate and jujitsu and know some sword fighting. Jules is well inverse in these martial arts and knows how to use a katana in her sleep."

"Yep, my victims get chopped into bits when I use this baby," she says, holding her sword.

"So, what are we doing first?"

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