Chapter 8

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I take a quick shower and brush my curly hair. I wear a black halter-strap crop top, a black mini skirt and black ankle heels. I do dark makeup and decide to put my belly button, eyebrow and nose rings. Well, yeah, I have many tattoos and piercings but I hide them at work. I also decide to dye the ends of my hair. I put a towel on my shoulders and dye my hair ends in purple color. I look in the mirror. Club look! Perfect! I'm gonna have some nice dick tonight! I hear a car honk outside. I grab a clutch and run outside to Sam. He checks me out and whistles. I blush and hit his arm playfully.

"The girls will go straight to the club.", he says.

"Okay.", I say and kiss his cheek then go to the car.

He also sits and drives off.

"So, how's your little James?", I ask.

"He's not little. He's now 12.", he says.

"Oh my god! I haven't seen him in such a long time!", I say shocked.

"He changed a lot.", he says disappointed.

"He needs to change because he won't be a child forever, Sam. That's how it is.", I say and shrug.

"He doesn't even wanna call me Daddy. He isn't thinking straight.", he says.

"You know why he doesn't wanna call you Daddy?", I ask.

He laughs and nods making me also laugh.

"Let him call you Bruh.", I laugh.

He also laughs and his face is so red from laughing.

"Dad has a new girlfriend and he wants me to see her tomorrow.", I say and roll my eyes.

"You need to move on.", he says and nods.

"I can't.", I say trying not to cry.

He holds my hand comforting me and I smile weakly.

"We're there!", he says.

I cheer and get in the party mode. Sam parks and opens the passenger door for me. I get out and he wraps his arm around my waist. We enter the club finding the girls at a table.

"Hey!", I say and high five all of them.

I used to come here when this place was so old. It changed so much. I see all the girls at the club looking at the door. I see Michael getting in with two girls intertwining his arms. To be honest they're pretty. Both of them are dark-skinned. One has short black wavy hair and brown eyes. She's wearing a red long sleeved short a-line dress and invisible heels. The other one has also black hair. But it's long and curly. She also has brown eyes. She's wearing a white crop top, black jeans, black boots and a black leather jacket. I try not to look at them so badly. That jerk!

"I-I'll buy the first round.", I say looking at them.

"Wait, I'm coming.", Adeline says.

She walks next to me towards the bar.

"Are you alright?", she asks.

"Look at Mr Moody. Right fucking there.", I say and point at him secretly.

"Shit.", she says and gasps.

I see him kissing one of the girls' cheek and hugging her. She looks like she's the younger one.

"What would you order?", the bartender asks.

"Umm, a round old-fashioned?", I ask Adeline.

She nods.

"5 old-fashioned, please.", I say.

He nods and gets the drinks.

"Thank you.", I say and pay then go to our table.

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