Chapter 23

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"Why didn't you tell me about Michael?", my father asks angrily.

"I-I don't know. Guess because I'm already 25 years old and I can have a private life.", I say and shrug.

"Yeah, with your boss!", he yells.

"He's not my boss now and he isn't gonna get fired!", I say.

"Florence, calm down. These are the consequences for what happened. It's okay. I understand.", Michael says.

"No, Michael! This is the end! You ain't firing Michael and I'm quitting!", I say.

"Let's just calm down, babygirl and think about it.", Dad says.

I take a deep breath and nod. We all sit together at the kitchen table.

"So, now I don't like you messing with my daughter. You've dated for quite a long time and you're still not taking a step forward.", Dad says trying to hide his anger.

"Mr Brown, I really love your daughter and if it makes you happy, I can propose to her right now.", Michael says calmly.

My eyes widen and I stare at Michael. Is he fucking serious?!

"I didn't say you propose to her. I mean at least become official. Like just girlfriend and boyfriend. I'll figure the thing with work out. I'm caring for my daughter now.", Dad says.

"Okay, Florence Annalise Brown, will you be my girlfriend?", Michael asks.

"Are you serious?", I ask.

"100%", he says.

"Umm, yeah, I'll be your girlfriend, Michael.", I smile.

This is quite awkward. I never thought he'd ask me to become official like this. I'm trying so hard not to kiss him because my father is here.

"So, did this make you happy now, John?", Michael asks.

Dad smiles and nods.

"I just don't want my daughter to be used.", Dad says.

Michael nods looking guilty for what he's done in the past.

"So, now, can she come to the gathering? It's with my family and old friends from school.", Michael says.

"You can ask her. She's now your girlfriend.", Dad says. "I have to go anyways. Goodbye."

"Bye.", we say.

I give him a hug and Michael shakes his hand. He gets out and me and Michael are now alone at my house.

"Will Robert and and Pearl be there?", I ask.

"Yeah, but it's still a good chance to meet my family. Isn't it. I know you've already met them. But you're not my girlfriend.", he says.

I sigh and nod.

"Thank you.", he says and softly kisses my lips.

"You're welcome.", I say and caress his cheek.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Get ready!", he says. "I'll pick you up at 5."

"Yeah, bye.", I say and give him a hug.

"Bye.", he says and gets out.

I rush to my bedroom and take a shower. I brush my hair and wear a black a-line sweetheart-neck dress with a split on the left leg and black heels. I let my hair down and do pinkish makeup. I spray my signature perfume and wait for my boyfriend to come. It's kinda amazing I'm calling him my boyfriend. I open my squad's group chat.

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