Chapter 21

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I'm very happy. But on the other hand, I'm very worried that I'll get used again. I'll just be nice again.

"Yes, Michael.", I say.

He smiles widely and wraps his arms around my upper torso hugging me tightly. I wrap my arms around his neck returning the hug.

"When is it, Mr Jackson?", I ask.

"Tonight.", he says.

Tonight?! This is sooo soon.

"Are you sure?", I ask.

"Yeah.", he says softly. "I'll pick you up from your bedroom."

I giggle and nod.

"Get ready.", he says.

I stand up. But I remember something.

"Wait! Where's the date?", I ask.

"It's a surprise.", he says and smirks.

"Because I don't know what to wear.", I say.

"Wear something chic.", he says.

I nod and run to my room. I take a shower feeling so happy. Every time when I think that Michael is taking me on a date I feel the butterflies in my stomach. I wear a royal blue short off-shoulder a-line dress and silver heels. I tie my hair in a low bun and do bronze makeup. I spray my signature perfume and put every thing I need in my silver clutch. I'm suddenly feeling nervous. Like, I cuddled and touched Michael but I never thought he'd wanna take me on a date. Everything is perfect now to me. I seem to forget all the bullshit that happened to me today and yesterday.

"Ahem! Miss Brown!", Michael says knocking on the door.

I open the door and oh my fucking God!! He's stunning! He's wearing a red button up shirt, black pants, black ankle boots, a black blazer and a black fedora. His hair is down and he's holding a bouquet of buttercups. He knew they're my favorite flowers! We both stare at each other for a good three minutes. Until I break the silence.

"Hi, Michael.", I say.

"Hey, Beautiful.", he says checking me out.

He gives me the flowers.

"Thanks.", I say and look at them.

You can smell its scent from far.

"They smell lovely.", I say and smile.

"I know it's your favorite.", he says and smiles.

I nod and smile. He holds my waist and we walk out of the house. I see a black limo in front of the house. Michael opens the door and lets me in first.

"Thank you.", I say and smile.

He smiles and sits next to me. During the ride we don't say anything. But it's still comfortable. We exchange looks and smile at each other. We arrive at a dark place. I'm getting scared. Michael holds my hand and helps me walk. I climb some stairs and then all the lights get turned on. It's a rooftop restaurant.. I look around me and see only one table with candles and flowers everywhere. There's classical music and a small dance floor.

"Michael, you shouldn't have-", I start.

"Do you realize what you did to me? You let me in your house for a long time. You took care of me. You invited my friend in your house. You helped me when I couldn't do anything. You let your emotions to the side and took care of mine. This is the least I can do, Florence.", he says and looks down at me.

I smile and wrap my arms around his neck hugging him tightly. He hugs me back and kisses my head. We pull off and he pulls a chair for me. I sit there and he sits on the opposite of me. The waiter puts the menus for us. We scan through them.

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