Chapter 12

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Warning! Drug use!!!!!

I wake up by my alarm finding myself on the couch. I feel like my joints have moved. I groan and get up. I run upstairs to my room and take a shower. I brush my hair and wear a black button up shirt, a gray pencil skirt, black heels, a black tie and a gray blazer. I do bronze makeup and spray my signature perfume. I feed my dogs and walk to my car. Instead of driving myself to TBS, I drive myself to the liquor store. I buy myself a bottle of vodka. I get in my car and drive to the office. I get Michael's coffee and hide the bottle in my backpack. I give him the coffee.

"Any tasks?", I ask.

"Oh, nice to see you too.", he says sarcastically.

I roll my eyes and sigh trying not to punch him in the face.

"Any. Tasks?", I repeat.

"Oh your laptop.", he says.

I nod and go to my office. I get my laptop out of my backpack and open it. I look at the tasks.

1. Arrange Ms Payne's meeting.
2. Read Mr Bennett's email.
3. Do the itinerary for Mr Quinn's tour.
4. Call Mrs James and find a solution.
5. Fire Mr Wilkie; marketing employee.

This is a lot of names. I don't remember anything. Why should I do all of these tasks?! I take a cigar out of my backpack and light it. I feel so angry and confident. I go into Michael's office.

"If I'm doing all of these motherfucking tasks what the fuck are you doing?", I ask.

His eyes widen.

"I think you don't need to know my own business, Miss Brown.", he says.

"I am you personal private assistant, so it is my goddamn business.", I say and nod.

"What crack are you on?", he yells.

"Don't talk to me like I'm an alcoholic or some bullshit! You're messing everything up! I quit!", I yell.

"I wouldn't find another assis-", he starts.

"I'll fuck off now. See you never!", I yell.

He grabs my wrist. I roll my eyes and look at him.

"You waited for this position a long time and I wouldn't let you just quit.", he says.

"You know I can be your boss now if I want to. Huh?", I ask.

"I thought you wanted to be an assistant!", he says.

"Maybe yes, maybe no. Look, I'll just have an unpaid leave for now. I can't take it. Sorry.", I say.

"Floren-", he starts.

"I am Miss fucking Brown!", I yell.

"Are you alright?", he asks. "You sound... drunk.", he says.

"Don't judge me. You don't know me.", I say and grab my backpack from my office leaving.

I stick my middle finger and walk out of the building. I get the liquor bottle from my backpack and get in my car. I keep drinking and driving until I arrive at my house. I find Adeline and Samuel there.

"We kept texting you! What happened to you? We're worried sick!", Adeline yells.

"Are you done blaming me?", I yell.

"Give me that bottle!", Sam says and snatches the bottle from me. "40 percent?!"

"You don't know the bullshit I'm going through!", I yell. "Argh!"

"We wanted to tell you that Winnie is in the hospital because she did an accident. She has a broken arm.", he says.

"I'm coming with you guys.", I say.

"No! You didn't even give a fuck! If Winnie sees you her case will get worse.", Sam says.

I snatch the liquor bottle from him and stick my middle finger going to my house.

"Fuck it!", I scream.

I'll go to what I was before having mental care. I call Richard; the best dealer I used to buy from. He answers a few seconds later.

"Ayo!", he says his voice sounding sleepy.

"I'll buy horse chestnuts.", I say as a sign of the drug I always used to buy.

"See you in our usual place.", he says.

"Yeah, bye.", I say and hang up.

I drive my car behind the abandoned house we always used to meet. I find him looking so drunk.

"How much?", I ask.

"40 bucks.", he says.

I give him the money and he gives me my drugs.

"Bye.", I say and walk to my car.

I drive back home and get my marijuana out of the wrapping. I roll it into a cigarette and start smoking feeling on cloud 9. That's one of the best feelings ever. When nobody seems to care and everybody just slips away from you when you need them that's the only solution you can do. It's either that or suicide. I get the flashbacks in my head.

Flashback (8 years ago)

"I can't cope with living with a crackhead anymore!", Jonathan says.

"But Jon, it's just me, you and Dad. We have no one else in the world. Remember what Dad said?", I ask.

"I can't do it no more. I'm as much hurt as you, Florence and I'm not a marijuana addict!", he yells.

"Don't blame me! You didn't see her walking out on you! You weren't with her in the house all alone! I thought having an older brother is good but you're just a dickhead!", I yell. "From now on, forget that I ever existed!"

"Oh, and you too! Even if we're living in the same house! Mind your own business then!", he yells.

"Only if you fucking mind yours, asshole!", I yell.

"Kids! What the hell is going on here?!", my father yells.

Jonathan looks at me and clenches his jaw.

"Nothin.", he says and squints his eyes.

My father sighs and walks off. I give Jonathan a hard punch in the face. He holds the side of the face staring at me.

"Fuck you!", yell and get the marijuana out of its wrapping.

"You're not having this in my house!", he yells.

"It's also mine!", I yell.

"I said no!", he yells.

I kick him in the chest and slap his face.

"Fuck off my face!", I yell.

Flashback ends...

I sigh and rub my head smoking my marijuana.

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