Chapter 20

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Me and Michael are cuddling upstairs in his bedroom. We're holding each other tightly and just hugging and kissing cheeks, heads and foreheads.

"Let's do something to get your mind off this.", he says breaking the silence.

"I still wanna cuddle you.", I say childishly.

Oh shit! That was so stupid to say. He'll think I'm some sick perv.

"Sorry, I didn't mean it like-", I start.

"Who said I didn't wanna keep cuddling you?", he asks kissing my head.

I lift my upper body up with my hands and kiss his cheek softly. I see him smile and hold me on top of him. He nuzzles his nose with mine making me giggle.

"I need a shower.", he whispers.

"Come on now.", I say standing up.

"I'll try to myself. My leg feels better anyways.", he says.

"You sure?", I ask.

He nods.

"I'll help you prepare your stuff.", I say.

"I'll do it. You've done a lot these past days.", he says.

"I don't mind doing more.", I say and smile.

He smiles and shakes his head.

"No, missy. I'll do it. You've already helped me practice walking. I'll be fine.", he says.

"If you need me just call my name.", I say and give him a kiss on the forehead.

"Yeah, thanks.", he says softly.

He stands up and limps towards the bathroom. I go downstairs and sit on the couch relaxing a little. That's when I remember I don't have any grocery except for some sugar.

"Michael! I'm going grocery shopping!", I yell. "Are you gonna be alright?"

"Yeah!", he yells from upstairs.

I get my handbag and run to my car. I drive to the grocery shop next to my house and get in. I'll need to buy a lot of stuff. I'm now by the dairy section. I get some yoghurt, checking the expiry date. Some trolley bumps into my side. I look there and see.. I see Jonathan, my brother. He looks at me shocked and shakes his head. Memories keep coming in my mind.

"Asshole!", I say and continue looking at the expiry dates.

"Y-you've changed a lot, Florie.", he says smiling.

"Fuck off.", I say bluntly.

"I'm your brother.", he says.

"Oh, really?", I ask sarcastically.

"How have you been?", he asks ignoring my sarcasm.

"Living.", I say bluntly. "You got the balls to talk to me after what you've done?"

"Florie!", he frowns.

"I needed you! You could've helped me!", I yell crying.

I quickly dry my tears away and just continue walking. I see his trolley bumping into mine.

"Let me talk to you.", he says.

"You got five minutes. I don't have time. I have somebody to take care of."

"Who's Mr Somebody?", he asks.

"A friend of mine. More like a brother, you know since my former brother is dead to me.", I say.

"Or more like a boyfriend?", he asks.

"What's your business?", I ask.

"My name is Jonathan Pascoe Brown. Your name is Florence Annalise Brown. We're siblings! Surprise!", he says sarcastically.

"Yeah, we're siblings. Last time I saw you was May seven years ago.", I say. "When you left me at my birthday because I was a crackhead."

"I don't think you are now.", he says.

My phone rings. It's Michael. I answer the phone.

"Hi, Michael... Sorry, I'm at the grocery shop. Yeah, I'm alright... Do you need me?... Do you want anything from there?... I'll get you some chocolate... Love you too (friendly)... Bye, take care.", I say and hang up.

"Who's Mr Michael?", Jonathan asks.

"Five minutes are over. I need to continue shopping. I won't say it was nice seeing you. No goodbye. More like: Go to hell.", I say and run across the grocery shop getting all my needs.

I pay and get out. I walk to my car and drive back home crying my eyes out. Why would I run into Jonathan after seven years?! I've never ever ran into him. I can't even tolerate his ass now. I can't stand his guts. I hate him! Strooong hate. My vision is so blurred. I try figuring out where to drive but I bump into a sidewalk and realize I bumped into a tree as well. How great?! I get out of the car and look at it. I damaged the bumper, the hood and, the headlight and the blinker. It's honestly cheaper for me to buy a new car. But I loved this car though. This is all because of my faggot brother. That asshole! I drive back home to see Michael waiting by the porch for me. He looks at me concerned and gasps. He holds on the furniture while walking to me.

"What happened?", he asks worried.

I look up to him and he sees my crying face.

"What happened to you?", he asks softly.

"I-I saw-", I say unable to finish my sentence because I'm crying.

"Come here. You need this.", he says pulling me into his arms.

I bury my head in his chest and keep crying.

"Shhh, Beautiful. It's alright.", he whispers in my ear reassuringly.

I start to dry my tears composing myself. I clear my throat.

"I bumped into Jonathan at the grocery shop.", I say bluntly.

"Jonathan, your brother?", he asks.

I nod and sigh. I hate even hearing his name.

"Then I could see everything blurred so I bumped into a sidewalk and a tree.", I say. "I'll just buy a new car."

He nods.

"I'm feeling better now and I could walk normally and do stuff by myself. So, I promised you that there's a surprise for you when I get better.", he says looking nervous.

I nod slowly waiting for him to continue talking.

"Will you allow me to take you on a date?", he asks. "A proper date."

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