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Julie, Flynn and I all managed to climb over the barbed wire, which was new, by the way, and make it to Carries front door. Me and Flynn only tripped once, which I think was a big win win.

"Heyyy." We all said awkwardly as Carrie answered the door.

"What are you three doing here?" Carrie questioned us. "And how'd you get over the security gate?"

"Teamwork!" Julie pointed out, looking between us three as we laughed awkwardly in agreement. "Do you have a bandaid? The barbed wire's new."

"What do you want?" Carrie questioned us.

"Uh.. just thought you should know that Julie and Mabel's band is playing at the dance tonight!" Flynn said nervously.

"Now you know." Julie chuckles and joins in.

"You guys are acting weirder than usual." Carrie accuses us.

"Probably because we're thirsty." I said to her.

"Yeah. Can we come in for a glass of water?" Julie asked her.

"Ugh. Fine. If it'll make you leave faster." Carrie said as she opened her door wider to let us in. "Don't break anything."

"Careful." Julie said as we walked into Carrie's living room after I closed the front door. "Where are you?"

"Uhhh I'm right here?"

We all turned around to see Nick sitting on Carrie's sofa.

"Nick! Look, Guys, it's Nick." We all laughed nervously as Nick chuckled.

"Nickster. Nicky-poo, Nick-a-lishious. Make it stop."

"Hey! Glad you're here Nicky-poo." Flynn said, trying to diffuse the awkward tension that Julie created. "We wanted to tell you that Julie and Mabel's band is playing at the dance."

"Yeah I saw your post." Nick said happily.

"These girls bothering you babe?" Carrie said as she walked in with three glasses of water on a tray.

"No, just telling us about the dance tonight." Nick replied back to his girlfriend.

"Right. Julie, Mabel and their hologram band are playing." She said as she chuckled. "How'd you learn how to do all that hologram stuff anyways?" As she said this, she gave us our drinks.

"The internet. It's not just full of makeup tips." I said as I shrugged. Carrie looked over and glared at me.

"Uh. What do.. what do you say babe?" Nick questioned awkwardly.

"Sure. Let's check out the hologram show." Carrie said as she sat down next to Nick, his arm finding its way around her shoulders.

"Great, I'll make sure all my buddies are there." Nick said, making me panic slightly. Gosh am I glad I wasn't drinking anything right now because I definitely would have choked on it.

"Ooh, how exciting! That's a lot of people staring at you. You girls remember where the door is, right?"

"Yeah." Julie fake laughed as spilt her drink 'accidentally'.

"Oh. My gosh. I am so sorry. No no no no no." She said as Carrie started to get up. "We know where the towels are. We'll get it." She grabbed my wrist and pulled me out of the room with her.

"Oh. Here I go!" Flynn said as she spilt her drink too. "Oh my gosh, can you imagine if this was cranberry juice? I don't know about you but I've been a klutz my entire life." We heard Flynn say as we walked away from the living room and up the stairs.

When I look at you - Reggie Peters <3Where stories live. Discover now