Inside Out

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A basis in life must be reached in life eventually. The things seen in this town appall but can somewhat amuse. Although my thoughts are rapid I'll slow down enough just to listen. Now it is that of the glitter of personality that stuns me, and the city I once knew now falls...

6 A.M. draws to 3 P.M. but all the while sunrise still seems to echo through the city of glass towers. Officially named Russleton, yet all I can see is godforsaken glass filled with lust and greed. Now the sun sets and the fun begins. All evil generally comes out at night but in this nightmare of a place you'll pray for the evils of day to come once more.

While in this hell-hole I've learned three things. First, go straight to your destination. Second, have means of protecting yourself. Finally, and the greatest of the three, if caught outside after dark, take the alleyways. My reason for the alleyways is simple, and somewhat humorous. You see the stereotypical, 'Don't get caught in an alleyway late at night,' simply is not true here.

6:00 A.M.

Beep! Beep! Beep! "Shut up!" I snap quickly while slamming my hand on the alarm clock turning it off. "You stupid piece of...,"

"Ryan!" a voice in the distance calls.

"Huh," I say while looking up, "Oh hey Sean."

A tall man with a generically calm demeanor stands in the doorway only to say, "You weren't about to say what I think you were, were you?"

I standing in my Sunday morning usual now, basketball shorts, only to reply, "Well it's true, I've changed the sound twice and it still makes that annoying beeping sound."

"Heh, look at you. You stand 6'3" completely shredded and, yet you're picking fights with alarm clocks instead of doing something productive... You know, like playing sports or using that damned brain of yours," Sean says in a sympathetic but an extremely angered tone.

"I know, I know. I'm applying to RCU today. I figured I oughta do something," I replied stunned.

"What?! RCU, only the best of the best get in there. What are they doing that suddenly peaked your interest," Sean asked surprised at my sudden change in character.

"Uh... you always ask the hard questions don't you," me answering to the best of my knowledge, "Well I guess, I just started to feel inside out."

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