First Bout

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Anger bellowed within me, as saw that red mask above me. With a mighty leap I jumped into the air, swiveling my body as I aimed for a kick with my right foot. As I did this, I got on the com with Sean and said, "Send the hoverboard my way!"

Within seconds, the board came flying through a window. As Killer Death Devil blocked my kick, I used the momentum to put my left foot on the hoverboard. Drawing my swords once more and tapping my foot on the board, to activate its blades, I continued my assault.

But, again, he was prepared for this, as if he had been monitoring me for months now. He knocked away my swords with little effort to it. It was at this point, he grabbed my left foot and proceeded to toss me. The hoverboard loss control because of this, and I was then forced to type the command code in to deactivate it on my left arm. I fell rapidly onto the walkway we were fighting on. This was when he scoffed, "Ryan, did you really think your tactics would work on me... I saw the news, and let me just tell you this; You're not fooling anyone here."

A bead of sweat ran down my face underneath my mask. He then dashed towards me, barely giving me anytime to react. As I dodged, a thought arose in my mind, 'Wait a minute, I recognize that voice from somewhere.'

I still could not pinpoint that voice, only because it was so distorted and demonic sounding now. With that in mind, I proceeded to ask wearily, "Do I know you?"

Killer Death Devil tilted his head as if confused, and answered, "Oh me, oh my. Do you know me... oh how the wretches of my mind destroy me, Ryan. If you seek the answer, then you will find it after my death!"

With this response, I forced any doubt to the back of my mind. Now was the time for war, the time for revenge. I charged forward, as did he, and threw a left hook. He countered with a right hook of his own. Our fists connected and neither gave way. It seemed impossible for anyone to compete with the strength that I had acquired, but he was doing just that.

We proceeded to throw another punch at each other. Trying to gain the upper hand, I allowed for him to win the stalemate that was our other clash. This propelled me to my right, and now my right hook had a clear shot. But he moved with such diligence, and I could barely see the movement. In an instance, he had moved his left arm from a punching motion to a blocking motion. As my right hook connected, he pushed his left arm away. This sent me flying to the other walkway, and he began to laugh psychotically.

As his laughter calmed, he then spoke, what seemed like more nonsense, "Do you see, do you see how diabolical my mind is? While I did not feel like killing you now, I guess I will just have to settle."

As I began to pull myself onto the walkway, he pulled out a small device with a button on it. When he clicked the button, two charges went off on both walkways. When we both landed I was on my back underneath the walkway, while he was facing the opposite one. He proceeded to walk towards me chuckling at his success.

With a loud roar, I lifted the walkway off of my body. Then I quickly reoriented my body into a low crawl push off position. With a mighty push I hurled my body towards him. Like lightning, he adjusted his body and dodged. He then brought his knee up at the exact time I would have hit him. This sent me flying into the air, and when I was about to hit the ground I was met with his left heel.

My body then hit the side of the warehouse, and he tilted his head again telling me in an arrogant tone, "I'm enjoying this, aren't you? You know, you could put up a fight. Even if it was just a little."

Then Sean proceeded to get on the com yelling, "Get out of there Ryan! You can't beat him!"

As my wrath swelled inside, I responded to both of them, "SHUT UP! I will not be defeated. People are counting on me to avenge them."

HoverOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora