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At the time, I thought of it as all a dream. But I later found out otherwise, and that I actually died for a few minutes. So when I woke in a strange land I overlooked it, but I still vividly remember this place. It was adorned with several towers that appeared as though they were towers to a castle. With this sight, I stood there in awe. Stairs spired up the towers for what looked like miles, and a path stretched out ahead of me for about one hundred yards. Seeing this, I decided to take the path just to see where it went.

When I reached the end of the path, two doors standing at least three hundred feet high sent a powerful message to me. This soon became crazier when, I pushed these doors open like they were a pile of feathers. As they swung open, I could see three paths from the bottom floor alone. Curiosity overwhelmed me, all I wanted to do in this situation was explore.

The first place that I went into was a giant room, kinda like a ballroom, seeing it made the song ballroom blitz play inside my head. It had a staircase that went up for about fifteen feet, then split into two, like what you see inside royal palaces. As I explored further, the staircase only had two changing rooms. It seemed like they were for the hosts, so that they could change during the party and walk down together while others gawked at their presence.

I soon left that room, walking into the next room. This room turned out to be the dining room, and it was fitted as such. It was adorned with a table that was twenty feet long and sat a good forty, besides that of the two for the hosting couple. Seeing these things started to raise flags in my head, because it was designed like it was in mind for guests; lots of guest. But, I soon brushed this to the side and walked into the next room expecting the kitchen. Sure enough, I was right. It was the type of kitchen people dreamed of. Fitted with only the best of equipment, it made me want to actually build a house just for the kitchen.

I checked the fridge, because well I could. It was filled with the finest of cuts, arranged from pork to beef, to even chicken. But, what I was looking for was something to drink. Because for a dream, I was surprisingly thirsty. Soon, I found a coke and was content with that and decided to move on. The next room, and the last on the first floor, was a huge bath house. It seemed as though it had the purpose of bathing after any activity you just came home from.

While the bath house did not have the same effect on me as the kitchen, it did have a huge shower with its own bath inside of it. In other words, if you and that special someone did not want to bathe the same way, but wanted to be together, you could do so within the same area. This was the best form of, conservation that I had ever seen in a house. I began to think to myself, 'I really need to build a place like this, when I wake up of course.'

I quickly exited the bath house and walked up the stairs, finding a long hallway. At the end of this hall, there was two doors and I decide to take the door on the left. There were however, doors all along the hallway, but I did not explore them. This was because, they either went to more hallways or more staircases that probably led to the towers seen outside. In other words, I was too lazy to explore these places. As I entered the left door, a master bedroom was opened up. This bedroom had to be at least ten thousand square feet, with an even larger bathroom.

Seeing how this room looked, I said mockingly, "Well... there went the conservation of space."

Chuckling after saying this, I left the room and proceeded to the room on the right. This led to a staircase, but compared to the others you could actually see the end. I made my way up, only to realize that it was longer than I had thought. It took me about ten minutes to scale this staircase, and an irritated me exclaimed, "WHY DID THIS TAKE SO LONG; I CAN LITERALLY SEE THE BOTTOM!"

Disregarding my anger, I walked through the next door and what I saw surprised me. Surrounded by two chandeliers, sitting in a seat meant for two, was a women with deep black hair. A twinge of lavender flowed through the air, it all was emanating from her position. Then the woman whose beauty spoke twenty out of ten stated in a calm voice, "So, you finally beckon me with your presence... my groom."

"Groom?" I quickly question then remarked, "At least take me to dinner first."

Not amused in the slightest, she then made the statement in a chilling tone, "Cute, I get a Jester. You do understand, that we are stuck with each other forever; thus, I will not be messed with."

Keeping my cool, I calmly asserted my side, "No, I thought this was speed dating. And, thus, I would like to meet the next person."

"Ha," she laughed as she then replied, "That's not how this works. If it was, I would've had someone a long time ago; definitely not you. Do you not even understand you are dead?"

"Sure... and that would make you Death," I say back while snickering.

Now with a look of disappointment, she replied back, "In a sense of the word, yes. But, my name is, Mia von Death. If that helps you any?"

Shock covered my face at this point, struggling with my words was an understatement. But, I managed to get something out that was at least understandable, "Wait, if I'm dead then why is Death wanting to marry me of all people?"

This brought her amusement, finally, as she then said to me, "You people still don't understand death, do you; I can explain if you want?"

"That's fine with me; shoot," I quickly answered so I could get a better understanding of what is going on.

With a smile, she began to tell the true concept of death, "It goes something like this... you see, there is a Death for each person born. If the person dies as a child that Death acts as a parent towards them. After the puberty of any individual, that is when we Death's begin to be life partners with the deceased, unless they married while living. After marriage, well I guess you humans call it heaven..."

"So there is no hell?" I ask in understanding.

"Well there is a sorta hell... but, that is generally given to those who were so evil, that they would even try to cause mischief in the afterlife. Or, if they just out right piss off us Death. Does this help you any?" she stated and then asked.

I replied back, before I started to fade, "So what's the ballroom for?"

As she was about to answer, I started to fade out of existence. She then exclaimed with a bone chilling scream, "How are you fading from this realm; you had a hole in your heart, there's no way you could've lived from the damage!!"

"Look I'm just as confused as you," I stated back in confusion.

With my final words said I fade from that realm, but not before I heard this chilling remark, "You will rue the day you canceled our banquet! That you courted me, Mia von Death."

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