On the Run

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Shortly after the meeting my iPhone started ring repeatedly, it was Liman. He was FaceTiming me and he never FaceTimed me. This was mainly because he did not want me to know where he was or what he was doing. I quickly picked up the phone up only to get a gut wrenching sight. All of what I tell you came from hacked CCTV footage I had attained to find out what had happened.

The first sight of him was at a local coffee shop that he regularly went to. He soon gained a look of fear in his face and so, he took off running. In the first alleyway, he forcibly moved a dumpster to slow down his aggressors. This was of course to no avail. One of the criminals caught up to him, and so he wittingly spun around with a right hook that instantly knocked out his aggritator. He then quickly spun back around to continue his escape. This then brought him to a fence but knowing him, he did exactly like I thought he would and he bounced off the wall into a backflip clearing the fence.

This slowed down the attackers, but not for long. As soon as he had left the alley system, he was met by three suburbans that began to try and corner him. He soon leaped on top of the vehicles to escape, as he did this he made sure to climb onto the rooftops. It was at this point it became harder to track him, but then I found aerial footage. It was as if someone was streaming this entire ordeal. By the time he thought he was clear of the danger, he hopped off the roofs and back into an alley. From the way his mouth was moving in the footage, it was like he was saying, "What the fuck is all this... I haven't even done anything."

It was not long before the assholes caught up to him and he was back to running away. I soon realised that, they were trying to wear him out and they were doing a perfect job of it. After about an hour long chase, he finally collapsed from exhaustion and the crooks were laughing and mocking him as they loaded him into the back of a suburban. The next bit of footage came from the deep web, and it was almost unbearable for me to watch as they began to torture him like he was a rodent.

They would then proceed to ask him a question like, "So punk, do you think you can just run from The Enlightened and get away?"

He would respond with spunk, "I don't even know who the hell you people are, so of course I was going to run. Especially, when I saw the bats and nail gun."

When he responded in that manner, they would hit him with a makeshift cats of nine tails. This tore through his back like swiss cheese, and the scream that followed could curdle blood. They again asked something like, "Why would you run from The Enlightened?"

This time Liman was visibly angry, and said as he spat in one of their faces, "Who wouldn't run from a bunch of lunatics like you?!? If I had gotten away from you fucks, I wouldn't be in this mess right now! Also, you guys really suck at this torture thing!"

At this response, they pulled out a knife and Liman visibly shaken, started spouting, "Wait a minute what are you going to do with that thing? Wait... No don't!"

With a single move they then skinned a chunk of his chest off of his torso. As he withered in pain, another figure came into view. The one the news dubbed The Killer Death Devil walked out, pulling out a phone as he did so, and this is where the FaceTime came in. He spoke in a calm deranged tone as he monologued, as if knowing me personally, "Oh, how it is so beautiful... to see the sacrifice of a lamb. It's almost as if you led him to the slaughter yourself. But that is only natural, when one does not take heed to what their help is doing. I know who I'm talking about, don't you? That is why I called you isn't it?"

I refuse to answer him, thinking that would help Liman's situation, but I was horribly wrong. Killer Death Devil then stated, "What to do, I'll let you decide if you want? Oh, but I plan on killing this worthless soul anyways, so it does not matter what choose. So, feel free to give me any suggestions my good sir."

He finally brought the phone to his mask. And this time instead of a white mask, it was blood red. Now it seemed as though, he was drentching the mask in the blood of his victims. When I had saw this, I said to stall for time, "What do you gain to accomplish from this?"

He laughed as if I should have known the purpose of his rampage, "Oh, my dear child, you do not know? Have you not seen the patterns of my victims? I killed them just for you... just how ungrateful are you? I mean I already have the blood of fifteen on my hands. And, it was not easy tracking them down for you. But, if you truly do not know... then I, the great savior of death, will inform you. I'm going to kill you... Ryan."

A shudder of fear ran down my spine at the sound of him saying that. The only pattern that I later noticed after the fact was that he was killing people I knew. On top of that, they were ones that I had good relationships with at one point or another. Only a hand full of people even knew about these people, and I was not too happy to find out either.

He then laughed maniacally, as he then screamed into the phone, "DO YOU TRULY FEAR ME! THAT'S JUST WONDERFUL, PLEASE DO STAY ON THE LINE AS I HAVE A GIFT JUST FOR YOU!"

Not being able to hold in my rage, I gave my warning to him, "If you hurt him, I will bring all of my wrath down upon you. Do you understand me?"

"Ooh," he started as he responded back, "I'm so scared. Please stay, I want you to. Only because, it will make my little escapade that much more fun. For you see, I have a game that I want to play. But alas, I only have me in it. Yet if you join in, I will keep you a secret from the public. So are you in, Mr. Delta?"

"No," I said trying to keep my secret under wraps, "But, do not be mistaken. If I ever find you, I will kill you with my own two hands."

Killer Death Devil did not take this lightly, as he picked up a giant blade. He then took it and cut through Liman like butter. All that was left of Liman on camera was part of his torso and head hanging by one arm. His lifeless eyes gazed into the camera full of fear.

When I saw this, I quickly dropped my phone only to scream out, "NOOOO!"

On the phone the voice of evil spoke out, before he ended the call, "You pitiful fool. If you had only said yes, I might have spared him. No, wait... no I wouldn't have heh ha. But seeing as you wanted to play hero Ryan, I killed him sooner than expected. Let's see if you can stop the next one. Until then, tata."

Unbridled rage filled me for a minute as I spoke into a phone, with no one on the other end, "You fucking bastard, I will trail the streets with your entrails for this. I will see to it, that this city sees what happens to devils."

I cried for an hour before I pulled myself together. It was my fault for his death and I could not do a thing to save him. If only I had been there, he would not have been on the run.

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