The Hunt

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After witnessing the horror that was Liman's death, I invited everyone to my personal villa out by the edge of town. It was within an hour that I had arrived, and everyone was waiting for me in the driveway. Lance bursted out joking, "How much money do you have bro?"

Seeing that he did not notice the expression on my face, I said, "I'm not in the mood Lance, but if you must know... thirty billion."

Sean soon reacted to this response with, "What happened Ryan, you look pissed?"

"I am," I quickly replied and gave everyone the news, "Liman is dead. That damned Devil killed him."

The reaction on the group was nothing less than shocked, and William soon asked, "What happened?"

My response was nothing short but terrifying to the group, "It appears that Killer Death Devil has his own group. They call themselves 'The Enlightened'. It also appears that he has this group go and capture people, and that's how they got Liman."

Lance then asked, "Then why are we here?"

I stared back coldly as I told him, "You are going to be my eyes and ears as I go and find that bastard. Also, he is after people corresponding to me somehow. So, I figured it would be best for the three of you to be somewhere I can get to fast."

Sean snapped back with a question like he was lightning itself, "How do you know that Ryan?"

I again terrified the group, "I know because he told me before he killed Liman, that he was doing it all for me. Also, that I was the final target."

William finally was starting to show some spunk in him, when he responded, "Well then, what the hell are we waiting on? Let's get that asshole for Liman and Jake."

With a smile, I said back, "I'm liking the way you're thinking Will."

With that, we walked into the villa and got things in order. I set Sean on the hoverboard to get it warmed up, and to make sure the performance levels were within flight margins. Next, I showed Lance to my decked out computer room and the response was hilarious to say the least, "Damn dude, you have to have at least three hundred thousand dollars worth of equipment in here."

"Four hundred fifty thousand," I began to say, "but that is not the point. What you are doing, is going to track down the mask that the Killer Death Devil is wearing. After you have found him, you are going to tell me where he is."

Lance had a smirk on his face when he replied, "You just want me to have a blast don't you? Well if that's the case, I'll damn sure do it."

I laughed as I replied to him, "Well then, be my guest."

Then William came in and asked, "What do you want me to do Ryan?"

With that question, I gestured him to follow me to which, he did perfectly. We walked down three hallways, before we made it to a door on the right leading to the basement garage. This was when I told him, "The suit that I made isn't really streamlined yet, and it also needs to be broken in. So, your job is to help me get it on."

William said back with slight disappointment in his voice, "Well that's not what I was expecting, but whatever it takes for justice to be dealt out."

I then responded in a way to cheer him up, "Come on now, you should be happy. You're the first one to get to see the badass suit I've made."

He smiled, as I opened the door and we descended. We got to the garage, and a silver suit came into view. This suit was topped off with a silver mask, with a curved red v-shape visor. When William saw the mask he quickly asked, "How much tech did you put into that?"

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