The Fallen

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In the following days, they released me from the hospital. They were mostly surprised by my lack of broken bones. I quickly explained it off as nothing more than they diagnosed me wrong. The last thing I needed was for them to do further studies on me. Now, three days after I had awoken, it was time for me to hunt down The Enlightened.

I immediately went home with a purpose, and was eager to execute my next move. Going to my computer room, I started tracking faces down. This was done off of memory alone. While my memory was good if I had messed up, things could have went bad. This was why I made sure to do my research.

I checked on each person, making sure they had some tie to The Enlightened. This ranged from background checks, whereabouts and what their movements were for the past thirty days. Once everyone I found was confirmed, I made up a fake name. This was so that I could infiltrate the organization. Of course, I had to also provide a fake picture. That was the hardest part of the operation, mainly because I am not the best at photoshop.

Within hours of my submission, they asked for a phone number. Knowing something like this would occur, I had bought a burner phone. I then provided it with little hesitation. Then hooking it up to a voice changer, I proceeded to contact them.

This led into my 'initiation', and I was so looking forward to it. Because, I convinced the higher ups to bring in everyone to witness it. I did this through telling them, that I had a plan to get rid of HoverBlade once and for all. And because they are how they are, they were all ears for it.

The date for the 'initiation', was set for two days later. I made quick work in those two days. Within that time frame, I repaired the suit and sharpened my blades. I also did some fine tuning to the hoverboard. When the day arrived, I received a phone call.

In this call, I was told, "Meet us at the abandoned warehouses. Make sure to be there no later than five, and make sure you're ready to share that plan of yours to the rest of us. See you then brother."

After they hung up, I looked at the clock and it read 2:00 P.M.. Seeing this, I hurried to the garage to put my suit on. Once it was on I made my way to the computer room once more. This time I hooked my com up to the voice changer program. Now I was able to talk on it normally without needing to be in person.

With all of this set up, I tracked the whereabouts of all the members once more. This showed me, that they were all heading to the meeting place. With this knowledge in hand, I was extremely thrilled. I then threw my mask on and went to confront them. Along the way, I made an oh so important phone call to the media.

I wanted the entire city, no the entire planet to see what happens to evil. While the conversation was short, it had an extreme impact to it. It began with the female receptionist asking, "Hello?"

When I had heard this, I immediately responded, "Yes, this is HoverBlade. I have some information I would like to give to your outlet."

"Excuse me," the receptionist then asked, "Did you say that you're HoverBlade?"

I then answered while asking, "Yes, and what of it? I have information on a good story for you. Do you want to hear it or not?"

She then changed her tune, and was begging for the information, "Yes, yes we do. Please inform me what it is, and we will try to check it out as soon as possible."

I then said to the lady, "I can say with the utmost certainty, that The Enlightened are holding an initiation party at five. Make sure your news helicopters are there on the hour."

With this information in hand, she asked, "Okay we will do that, is there anything else we need to know?"

"Yeah, I'm going to be there and I'm taken 'em all down," I then answered, and hung up the phone.

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