Trainings Start

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Over a three month period, I grew my strength exponentially. It all began with me taking a trip to my company. Walking into the office with utter dominance. With a deep breath, I called out, "Hey horn dog, where you at? Because if I find you, you're screwed."

Within seconds he came out and was jammering, "What did I do sir?"

With a look of questioning, I asked, "Do you really want me to answer that?"

"Uh...," he struggled as he answered, "No sir."

"Thought so," I replied with sheer arrogance, "Now let's get down to business... I need a titanium alloy 5H63, and some weights to put on it made out of inantimonium. And do not screw up the inantimonium plates, they need to resemble actual weightlifting plates."

With confusion, the executive asked, "Um, can I tell the board this time or no?"

I then replied with frustration, "Yes, you can tell the board. All I'm doing is taking up weightlifting."

"Okay, and where do you want this stuff delivered?" he asked (a good question for once).

"Just," I say with a smile at the question asked, "deliver it to my villa."

"Right, I'll get right on it Mr. Delta," he said as he ran for what seemed like his life.

With the equipment ordered, I headed home without any worries. The gear showed up about a week later, and with it in hand it was time to grind. When the packages arrived, due to the weight, the driver had to use equipment to get it out.

Like it was nothing, I picked all of the packages up and brought them in. This left a face of shock on the delivery boy. When he left, I turned to Sean and asked, "This felt like it was nothing. Literally the only package that felt remotely heavy was the one with the forty-five sized plates. Are you sure this is going to work."

Then acting like a muscle head, he quoted Muhammad Ali, "'I don't count my sit-ups; I only start counting when it starts hurting because they're the only ones that count.' So, all you have to do is the same as Ali did. Should be a piece of cake."

Slightly annoyed by what I was just told, I replied sarcastically, "Ha, ha, very funny Sean. Seriously, what's the work out regimen?"

Without even batting an eye, he answered, "I just told you!"

"No," I replied with clear annoyance, "What you told me is, you are going to make me sit around and be bored the entire time I workout."

Not even missing a beat he turned around with a smile on his face, and said with a chuckle, "Then turn on the T.V., you should at least be capable of that. If not, when are you going to be able to defeat KDD. You're the one who's going to have to want to become stronger."

With that finally said, I finally realized that I was going to have to get creative. Both in mind and body if I was to get stronger now. Becoming super strong had made me dull, and that the only way to get stronger was to become smarter.

With enormous speed, I unpacked all the weights and the bar. I then slowly added weight until failure. After about five plates on each side, with each the size of forty-five pound plates. Then with a mighty grunt? Look it was heavy let's say that much.

Sean saw this and mocked me from earlier, "' Literally the only package that felt remotely heavy was the one with the forty-five sized plates.' Was it something along those lines, or am I mistaken? Well, whatever the case, at least we know that you max out at nine hundred thousand pounds."

"Yeah," I said exhausted, "No thanks to you, how about you pick it up."

Around this time, Lance walked through the door. Hearing this, he laughed while saying, "What, is that little bit of weight too much for you Ryan?"

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