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After we finished packing everything up to be delivered to my villa, Sean and I left the church. We came to the Lamborghini that Lance left to me upon his death. When we got to the vehicle, Sean asked, "Are you going to be alright driving?"

I looked at him with a solom smile and answered him, "Yeah... I'll be fine, it's just going to take some time to get used to this. You know, riding in this without Lance."

"Yeah," Sean replied back, "I know what you mean, it feels a little weird."

Getting into the Aventador, I was quick to start the engine. Sean looked over at me while he buckled up, saying, "Listen to that engine purr."

I just chuckled as I buckled up myself, then I popped the brake and took off. We were somewhere in the center of the city, so it was going to be at least an hour long drive back to the villa. This was all worth it, because it gave Sean and me time to talk. Any other time, and I would be focused on working.

Sean generally did not like that my sociability was so low, but I would always tell him, "You don't get this rich just sitting around."

Sean was the first to initiate conversation, saying, "You know, you're a pretty good driver... for someone who never went to get their license."

I looked at him with a glare of disapproval, before saying back with a sarcastic laugh, "Ha ha, very funny. You ever thought about becoming a comedian. I mean your act would be perfect. You know exactly why I'm this good at driving in the first place."

With a look of questioning, Sean replied back, "You mean that one time you got into a car chase? The one that you destroyed three city blocks in?"

"Hey," I responded in defense, "That was just an accident, the ambulance wouldn't have got there in time. I still can't believe you made out of that okay. How many gunshots did you have anyways?"

"Well," Sean sounding kinda annoyed, answered, "Thanks to to you, I think it was something like fifteen. And don't think I'm going to praise that driving of yours. Just because you saved my life, doesn't mean that you did good."

I replied a little pouty, "Your just mad that I saved you, and that you were not useful in the situation. Besides, I could've just ran off instead of stealing someone's car... I mean commondier..."

This put a smile onto Sean's face, as he began to laugh at my honesty. This was about the time that I looked up into the rearview mirror. In it, I saw three black suburbans speeding up behind me. With no pause, I started shifting up gears. Accelerating to over a hundred miles per hour, the chase had begun.

It was only a matter of seconds that I was now weaving through traffic. Once I was in control, I put it into the highest gear. Yet, our pursuiters, were keeping up with ease. Sean noticed this sudden change, and asked with a bit of fear, "What's going on, why are you suddenly speeding?"

By the time this was said, we were in and out of lanes. I then said while trying to focus on the road, "We're being chased, it's probably The Enlightened. Also by the look of things, the suburbans that they are using are heavily modified. I'd say their top speed is faster than ours, and that the only reason they'd do this is that... they're coming after you; hold on!"

Figuring that they would be looking to cut us off, I made a sharp right turn. This got the suburbans off of us for only a couple minutes. But I knew that this was going to happen, and I then made another turn; this time to the left. At this point, one of the three vehicles crashed into a pole. But they were obviously communicating with each other, because another suburban came out to take its place.

After about ten minutes of erratic turning, a news helicopter started flying over head. Hearing this, I looked out of the window and there was a crowd gathering outside. They were all watching as this chase went on. Some were even filming the event. Knowing that I needed to get away from the onlookers, I got back on the path of getting out of the city.

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