Trainings Finish

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Just as soon as I started, my training drew to a close. But this was again only a technicality, because I continued to train to even greater heights. What this training did for me was put me on par with future threats, yet that's a story for another time.

I found myself in the outer city grueling over weather to walk into the gym. It was not due to the gym being bad, but because who else used it. Thoughts coursed through my mind, but only one persisted, 'How can I face him; if only I had protected William... I'd be able to face him!'

With several thoughts racing through my head, I walked into the gym. It seemed as though I did not even think about what I was doing, but it all turned out for the best. As I entered the gym, I was met by tall man of African American decent. With a loud voice he said, "Welcome, you here to get a membership! Or might you just want to see what this place is about!"

With a slight smile, I responded to him with, "Both!"

This made the big man laugh, and as he did every muscle he had bounced in glee. Without hesitation, I asked, "So, where do I sign?"

He then stared at me confused, acting as though I should have already known something about this place. Then when realised that I did not know the process of joining, he said to me, "There's only one way to join this gym,... and that's to fight with our pros. In other words, if your joining for fun, then you gonna train our boys who are here for work. So, you still wanna join? If not then there's the door."

"Bet," I said with a bit of arrogance in my voice before I continued, "So, who's the first fighter? I mean unless they're scared, to which that's fine too."

He then responded slightly annoyed, "Follow me."

He brought me to what seemed like an endless room. Turns out the place was more popular than I had thought, with its thirty boxing rings circling out from the center. After the rings was all manner of equipment for training your body for the ring, and they still had room to spare.

Seeing all this, I looked at the man guiding me to a ring. In awe at what I was seeing, we came to a stop. The man who towered over me at 6'8", then said to me, "Hold out your hands."

I did as he had said, and he then proceeded to wrap my hands. After he finished, he motioned me to turn around. When I did this, I was met with gloves to put on my hands. As the gloves were being tightened onto my hands the tall guy put headgear over my head. The next thing I knew, they were holding the ropes down so I could get into the ring.

When I finally got into my corner, I saw the guy they were pitting me against. It was some scrawny kid. So scrawny in fact, it looked as though I could snap him in half. I looked back at the tall guy and said, "You might wanna give him a little more padding than that."

The tall dude just shot me a look of disbelief. When I saw this, I continued, "I'm being serious. I've got a mean right hook."

Hearing this, the big guy let out a sigh. He then motioned to the other boxer's crew. When they received the information, they laughed as they put more protection on the kid. With that out of the way, the referee motioned us to him and we touched gloves.

When the bell rang, I left the corner in a blur of speed. With a mighty right hook, I sent the kid flying two rings over. This made the entire area go silent, as they had only seen one other person do this. That same person walked through the door as this happened.

With a loud and angry voice, he yelled out, "RYAN DELTA, YOU'RE GOING TO FIGHT ME!"

In shock, I turned around and said under my breath, "Oh crap... Lawrence."

The tall guy ran over to Lawrence trying talk him out it. He was saying things like, "Lawrence don't do it, you haven't done something like that in forever. Come on man, I know you're angry... but it's not worth it. I don't think you've got it in you bro."

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