Final Bout

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I slowly descended down to the roof of The Needle, and when I stepped onto it KDD tilted his head. Seeing this, I reacted surreal to it, saying, "Oh come now, you didn't really think that I wouldn't show up. But let's be honest here, you were expecting me to be here a little bit later. So what's the game plan, cause either way I look at you're not walking away."

KDD then started snickering, before long he was full blown laughing. It seemed as though his psyche had been destroyed. After about a minute of this, he finally responded with, "You know, if memory serves me right... we're only about twenty some odd minutes away from our one year anniversary. So what do ya' say old pal, how 'bout we turn it up notch? Because whether you like it or not, we're probably going to kill each other any how."

A shiver ran down my spine at the thought of dying, fighting against him. But, I was relaxed enough to ask one question first, "You don't sound so good, did you not get your beauty sleep?"

"Ha," he said with a fair bit of annoyance this time, "You're one to talk! You were probably worried sick this entire time. Wondering whether or not I killed this one over here. But don't worry, his time is coming as well. And I will shock the entire world with my grandstand, do I make myself clear HoverBlade?"

Hearing his threat I only knew how to act erratic, replying back with, "Heh, you still keeping that promise of yours I see? But don't worry you can tell all of the afterlife who I am. And by the way, you're gonna have to kill me first if you wanna kill him. Because as long as I'm still kickin', he ain't dyin'."

Laughter then filled the air once more, and insanity followed with everyone of his words, "Have you still yet to realize? You are but a puppet to me, you insolent little brat. Always being pampered like you were a royal yourself... taking everything I loved from me, and acting as though you had done nothing wrong. But please do not worry, your highness, that all ends today."

"Is that so?" I swiftly shot a question, finally taking the matter seriously.

Then before too long, I continued, "If I'm the bad guy here, then let's get this over already. Because, I'm growing sick and tired of your petty little games. You, who pranced around killing all of my friends. Knowing full and well who I was, and yet you attacked them instead of me! Do not play these stupid games with me, you've seen full and well what I'm capable of! I don't want to kill you, but if I have to I will!"

He then scoffed at me, angry about something I had said, "You don't want to kill me?!? That's laughable, you who said when we first fought, he'd kill me! Don't bring your petty lies here, on the field of battle!"

"You're right," I quickly bounced back, knowing this was being broadcasted live, "I did say that to you, but since then... I've grown into a better man than I was before. And before you bring it up, yeah I did slaughter those psychopathes now known as The Fallen. But, that was done because they posed a threat to the people of this city, and possibly the world. You, however, will stand trial for the things you have done. Their deaths are on your hands, because you forced mine. So stop with your pitiful dramatics."

This sent KDD into a frenzy, he could not stand the dialogue that was given to him. He grabbed his head, before starting to rant; he looked as though he would have an aneurysm, "Dramatics, DRAMATICS! I only wished to see you dead, there were no dramatics to it! Do you not comprehend who I am damn it? I will kill everyone in this city if need be. You're supposed to be dead, yet you persisted on living despite the fact. I impaled you with an iron rod, yet like a cockroach you stand here before me still alive! The gawe of you, you piece of living filth. You're probably standing here right now with a smug look on your face, but don't worry I'll wipe it off of you in due time. Because I'm the Killer Death Devil, now aren't I?"

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