The Awakening

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"Dear God don't send me back! She sounded as if she wanted to castrate me after coming back!" I said as I woke in such a panic to get away from Death herself.

"Chill," Lance said calmly when I awoke, "What happened, did you have a bad dream or something?"

"Three words," I quickly replied, "Single, pissed and desperate!"

"What?" Lance soon questioned my statement, not understanding.

"Death bro, Death," I explained to him since I noticed the confusion he had, "She is single, pissed and desperate."

Lance followed up this reply with his own sarcastic one, "So you're telling me, Death is desperate... sure. Ryan did you hit your head or something, because the doctors couldn't find anything wrong with you? I mean at least this would explain what's going on."

"Dude," I followed up, "did I die; if not then we can sum it up to a dream."

He answered proving my case, "I mean, you didn't have a pulse for a good ten minutes. But that doesn't seem like a lot of time for you to get to know Death."

"It does too, if the flow of time is different in the afterlife," I commented back with a bit of agitation in my voice.

"Touche," he replied back in defeat of the response I gave to him.

At that point, the door swung open in a furious manner. A bustling group of people pushed their way into the room with worried looks upon each face. Sean was the first of the group to make his way in, with extreme worry in his voice he exclaimed, "Is he alright, what did the doctors say?!?"

"As far as I'm concerned, I'm fine Sean," I answered before Lance could even respond, and with that the look of worry was lifted and that of relief fell upon the group.

"What happened?" a new voice then asked, belonging to William.

"Not sure," I answered with blazing speed, "You'll have to ask Lance. Still curious on how he patched the hole in my heart. But whatever, all that matters is that I'm alive and well."

"Wait a minute," Lance then cutted in with shock, "What hole in your heart; when I got there, you just didn't have a pulse! So I administered CPR!"

Liman then chimed in, "Sure you weren't dreaming bro?"

"Yeah you tell me that when you pull a spear out of your chest, and let me ask that question," I replied with anger only to ask afterwards, "By the way, where's Jake? We need to find his dad and quick."

"Well about that," Lance responded with overwhelming gloom in his voice, "He's identifying the body of his father. They found his body in the Thames."

At the sound of hearing this revelation, my hand tensed up on the side railing of my bed. With intense pressure, the railing was crushed and the room fell silent as I then said while also trying to relieve the tension in the room, "I'm first going to kill that man wearing the mask, and then I'm going to correct your speech Lance."

He could not help but laugh while he replied, "Well, calling the river the Thames is better than calling it Blood river Ryan."

Sean soon interrupted, "We're going to have to talk about this strength of yours after you get out of here. Because you've always been strong, but never this strong."

One week later:

One week had passed since I had been in the hospital, and the five of us that were there decided to meet at my apartment. Me being me, I of course bought a good pie for the occasion, so that we would at least have something to eat while we discussed my new found abilities. Sean was the first to arrive, most likely because he wanted to know the most about the situation that I was in. He was followed by Lance, who was followed by both Liman and William. Once everyone had arrived, Sean opened up with, "So what the hell were you doing, in order to get this strength of yours?"

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