Halftime Show

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Three more months passed in no time at all, and things were about to go from bad to worse. I was coming from the gym after an intense match with Lawrence again. In that time frame, I had gained an unreasonable caffeine addiction. Out of this addiction, I began to drink lattes; I hate coffee.

Why the city had not made more coffee shops around town, I do not know. But all of the shops were in the center plaza, where our version of time square is. So naturally, I had to go all the way from the edge of town to the center. One would think it would be hard, but with the six months I focused on training. It was a breeze.

Like the wind I jumped from building to building barely visible to the naked eye. I finally decided to go to the very top of the buildings, before I got to the inner city. Once I was there, I jumped down into an alleyway. Walking out into the massive crowd of people, I forced my way through them just for a cup of joe.

By the time I got to the store, StarLucks, it was packed to high heavens. I would say that I waited a good thirty minutes, before I was even waited on. I then proceeded to get, what has now become my usual, a mocha latte with extra whip cream. I made my way outside, where everyone was now stopped and dumbfounded.

As I looked to where everyone else was looking, I saw the face of evil. KDD was on every screen echoing throughout the plaza. Knowing he had everybodies captivation, he began to monologue, "Why is it, that this city, that nobody wants to be rid of that Hero? Do you not see that, that is the reason you drop like flies? Fine, if you won't help me... then I will show my generosity and give you a show. BRING HIM OUT!"

When he said this, some of The Enlightened dragged out a man with a hood on his head. While walking around the man in circles, KDD continued, "This man... this man knows the identity of the Hero, but he persists with his lies. Saying he has no clue what I'm talking about. With that, I present to you, Lance Wilson!"

Ripping the hood off of his head, Lance's face was revealed. He was bloodied and bruised, and all he could get out of his mouth was, "I'm sorry bro, I tried to get ahold of you."

But the KDD heard this, and sadistically said to him while slapping him repeatedly, "No, no... you're not sorry yet. I'm going to rip everything away from that hero. You, your just another piece of the puzzle. And just like most pieces, you'll also come in pieces."

After saying that, he walked off screen and Lance started screaming erratically, "No, what are you doing with that... stop it!"

Walking back into frame, KDD was now brandishing a sword. He then lifted it above his head, and with a single swing it was over. The camera started panning out, so that it could follow Lance's now rolling head. It quickly zoomed back in on KDD.

When it was finally situated back on that monster, he began to speak once more, "It's halftime... Hero. Don't worry, I'll give you a chance to stop me. My next target, is the mayor. If you hurry now, you might save him. Then again, you might not. Tick tock, you're on the clock Hero."

Not even waiting, I jumped up with all of my strength. During my freefall down, Sean gave me a call. When I picked up, all I heard was, "Did you see that, I mean it was on every station I turned to. Ryan you need to hurry and get back here."

I then said, "You need to calm down. Get the suit and board prepped, and then send them to me. That way we can save time on this. Because if he gets the mayor, the city will and is going to descend into chaos."

Now calming himself, and running to the garage, Sean then replied, "Okay, I'm on it. Where do you need me to send the gear? It should take about five minutes for it to make it to the city."

A smile broke out on my face when I heard this, and I said, "Send it to the edge of town, I'm five minutes from there. Let's get this bastard bro!"

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