The Search

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It had been one day since I came back home empty handed. And then it happened, news came pouring in. Why this happened, I do not know. But what I did understand was, it was now the one year anniversary of my accident.

This meant a lot was on the line, it meant that I needed to find KDD. While the whole debacle that occured one year ago was ten hours away, I was sitting unphased by the date. What I wanted to do, was find Sean and bring him home safely. Nothing else would do, little lone what I would do if I could not.

It all started with the morning news, they were going on about prior events when it happened. A note had come into their studio, and it was signed by KDD himself. This sent the entire city into a frenzy.

When the police heard the contents of the note, radio frequencies were being flooded. They were jammed by police units across the city reporting strange activity. Most of it was just nonsense, and it was my job to make sense of it all.

When the first transmissions came in, I could only think of the note. It was confusing and criptick, and said the following, "HoverBlade, I have a surprise for you... why don't you come see me today, I invited your best friend as well. Where you'll find me, I don't know, but what I do know is... I brought you into existence, and I'm going to take you out of it. And who knows, I might just save your friend some trouble and throw him off somewhere high. Does it sound like a deal. But you'll be able to find me, just keep your ear low. Because a lot of crazy things are going to happen soon. When they do, listen and you will find me, and then we will have our final bout. Tata, oh and by the way, this letter was signed in your friends blood."

When I heard this, I had ran into my computer room. Got into police frequencies, and sat there and listened. It was going nowhere fast, because just as he said things were getting crazy. The police had ran to five different accounts of armed robbery alone; in the same store at the same time. It was if they would arrest someone and another came to take their place.

I then suited up, I could not just sit around. But due to his criptick warning, I hooked up Sean's com to the radio. This allowed me to listen in as I put that difficult suit on. When I was finished, I then patched the frequency to my mask. This was so I could have the channel on the go too.

With that in line, I continued to listen in to the piling information. This was so that I could be able to pick a location. About thirty minutes in, I started noticing a pattern to the reports. This was when I drug out a map of the city.

From first to last, I drew a line in the direction the reports were going. Then accounting for outliers, I started seeing the line go toward a group of towers. This lead to my curiosity of which of them was it. Only time would help me find out, and so I put on my mask and headed back out.

When this happened, new reports started flooding in. It was as if KDD anticipated my moves. This led me to a new line, and it was sounding more credible by the second. So I then proceeded to that location instead.

Without the map however, I was not sure where I was going. But this did not slow me down. For I was going to do whatever it took to end this. When I reached the location, I was quickly stunned at where I was. He had led me to the pier.

Once there, I searched every boathouse possible. This was only to find nothing in them. Then with great frustration, I hollered out, "WHERE ARE YOU?!?"

Then the radio picked up once again. It was leading me into a new direction, and this one to sounded more credible than the first. This only gave me more trouble, because it only contained outliers. What surprised me even more, was that it ended at Malevolent Crossway.

This left me flabbergasted, what was worse was the information started pointing to a new location. I then calmed down, and decided to just listen. What I found was just strange ramblings in some instances, and actual locations in others.

When I listened, a new location then quickly emerged. This is what the officers had to say, "This is odd?"

Another officer then got on the mic, and asked, "What? Did you find something?"

The first officer then said, "No, but it's like we are being sent on a goosechase."

The second officer then said, "Goosechase or not, we were told by the mayor to find him. So we need to do our best."

The first officer then replied, "Yeah, yeah I know that already. But what I don't understand, is that we rounded up all the dead of The Fallen, right? And now this is going on."

The second officer apparently gave it some thought, because he was quiet for a minute. When he had got back on the radio, he said, "You're right, what is going on here? Also, all the locations have been spread throughout the city. This isn't making any sense."

The first officer then replied, "See, that's what I'm talking about. Now I'm sitting outside of city hall, and with nothing to show for it. Like what is happening, what brought out all of the nuts? Well, just let me know if anything interesting happens, I wanna hear about it."

The second officer the responded with, "Ten four."

This conversation got my wheels spinning inside of my head. It was then that I made the realization that, he was making a road map for me. And it was not any road map, it was one of all of my fights. Not just the big ones, but all of the minor ones too.

When I thought back on my journey to the first couple of destination, it proved my theory even further. Because along the way, I looked down and saw the place of my first real fight. It was the area, in which I saved Liman for the first time. It was weird, because the scenario I saw was playing out practically the same.

But instead of my protecting Liman from a bunch of thugs, it was people doing crime protecting themselves from arrest. This entire thing baffled me. When I then thought further, I remembered that the first officer was at city hall. The same location that I stopped KDD from attacking the mayor.

So I then started thinking ahead of KDD, so I made my way over to Darian's Bond. By the time I had got there, some crime was in process up the street. Without thinking, I flew over to the scene. With just the slightest of taps, my hoverboard hit the criminal's head. The impact however, knocked him out cold.

But when I got to the area, I realized that I had not fought in any other area. The only locations that could be left were the warehouses, and the place where they took Sean. The latter of which, I passed on the way into the city.

I then rushed over to the warehouses once again. This is where I found a new note. It read as followed, "Good, I see you've started to figure this thing out. How else would you have found this note? Well then again, I don't think your too bright however. For I mean seriously, you should have found me by now right? Well then, good luck I guess."

After reading the note, I was left for a loop. What did he mean I should have found him? But that was when the radio went haywire, officers were all going at once. They were all saying something about a building, and then the radio transmission just cut out.

When this happened, I had to make a gut decision. And it was to go find the cause of all of the commotion. This was more difficult than I had thought however. Because before the officers could say the name of the location, the signal was lost.

Thinking long and hard about it, I came up with the conclusion that it was near tall buildings. This proved to be a moment of brilliance for me. When I got to the square, squad cars were roaring down one direction. So naturally, I followed them to the area.

This led me to a famous tower of the city. It was named The Needle. When I arrived, I quickly flew up to the top of the building. This was when I saw it, both KDD and Sean were there. This was when I yelled out, while getting closer to the roof, "So it's over, that is... well that is at least, the search."

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